Is it possible the ZOO team accidentally robbed us and did nothing to refund? And what if it was not the accident?

5 min readAug 15, 2021


AUG 18 EDIT: Devs still silent. Discord group admin… well… I’ll just leave the screenshots of what he said (thanks to Valentina :P for sharing):

I have not seen any of what he said there before Valentina sent these screenshots to me (he did not use DM). I am not a programmer to run any kind of code. I don’t know why this person thinks I am (or any common folk) able to run it. I don’t know why he wrote it but did not run it by himself. I don’t know why he thinks it is okay to use such language. I don’t know why other admins tolerate this kind of behaviour.

For now I think the code is just a not working dummy to show off and convince gullible people. STILL NO PROOF OF THOSE EPICS AND LEGENDS EXISTING.

AUG 17 EDIT: Devs still silent. No epic or legendary cards from that problematic range were found yet. I’m starting to post this article under their twitter posts. If after that there are no explanations, I will start promoting this issue outside the community to warn new users.


English is not my native language, but I’ll do my best.

First of all, I don’t want this project to die, I was making money here for weeks. I gave developers almost a whole day to make it right (some kind of refund and explanation) and answer me at least something (I could easily provide them all information they need). They went almost “full silence” mode. This is the ONLY thing they wrote regarding this problem (telegram group didn’t get even that):

EDIT: J.Breck is NOT a part of the team. He is unofficial discord server moderator.

So what is the deal?

If you bought chests with ID starting from about 84,000 to 89,000, it is possible you bought chests with a 0% drop rate for epic cards, 0% for legendary cards. It’s not 100% accurate yet, so I really need YOUR help. If you have an epic or legendary card with ID from this interval, let me know here or in telegram (@PetrKranov). I’ll delete the post if the math is okay OR at least reduce the gap if it really turns out to be less than I thought.

If my suspicions are confirmed, and there are no epics&legs in this interval, this may mean the following:
1. Developers don’t give a damn about your monetary losses in this interval, you wouldn’t even know about those losses without this post. And the losses come out pretty big, because from those chests you could ONLY get junk, normal and rare cards (no epics and legends at all). WITHOUT EVEN SUSPECTING THIS. FOR THE SAME KEY PRICE.
2. They know about the problem. And they don’t tell us anything about it. Like it never happend. What was that? Why that happened? What if it was not the accident? What if it was not the first time?

Where did I get such thoughts at all?

I opened 448 chests without ANY (!!!) epic or legendary cards. And yes, it is not enough to say anything about legends, but just look at the chance of getting zero epic cards on so many chests:



Am I THAT unlucky?

And I want to remind you that it is not just me who was complaining. They said there were a FEW complaints.

Ofc you should ask for the proofs. Here you go:

Fun, right? :D

Here is the wallet: 0x8e1669B4827917d6C409B501392dEa4b3D221C1C

Here is the last TX:

Last ID is: 88178.

Here is the first TX:

First ID is: 83309.

If you need any other proof, feel free to ask.

Now I see epic&legend cards at the marketplace with ID > 89000. Did they quietly fix everything?

This will not go anywhere out of the community unless I get banned in telegram or discord group for posting this.

But if nothing works out with such a small coverage, I will turn on at full power, I will start using twitter. Trust me, if I have money for 500 chests a day, I have resourses to promote this.

Again. If you have an epic or legendary card with ID from this interval (84000–89000), let me know here or in telegram (@PetrKranov). I’ll delete the post if the math is okay OR at least reduce the gap if it really turns out to be less than I thought.

If my suspicions are confirmed, this SHOULD be explained by the team, and there SHOULD be some sort of refund.

Thank you for reading this.

