How to setup a HeroooesCoin wallet using Node Js.

1 min readAug 9, 2021


In the following article i will explain step by step on how you can setup a HeroooesCoin wallet using Node Js.

First make sure you have the latest version of Node Js installed on your pc.

Create a folder on your pc and call it HeroooesCoin.

Now run the following command in the Node.js command prompt:

npm install Heroooescoin

This will install the full heroooescoin library on your pc.

Go to the node_modules folder and open heroooescoin.

The following step is now to install all the dependencies.

Again open the Node.js command prompt and run the following commands:

npm install prompt
npm install nodemon
npm install crypto-js
npm install elliptic
npm install express
npm install body-parser
npm install ws

You can now interact with the Heroooescoin Blockchain directly from your pc.

To create a new Heroooescoin wallet, open node.js command prompt and run the following command:

node wallet

your wallet file will be created and to make sure the wallet has successfully been created, you can say: node publickey

If your public key displays correctly then this is your Heroooescoin wallet address.

