If your business website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re losing.

Southpoint Systems, LLC
2 min readMar 23, 2020


More than 50% of Internet Traffic comes from Mobile Devices

This should come as no surprise, but you may be shocked to discover that as much as 50% of small businesses do not have a mobile-friendly website. With over half of all internet use taking place on mobile devices, having a responsive design website is no longer something to consider — it’s a matter of survival for any small business.

Responsive websites are designed to create an optimized experience and a seamless transition from desktop to mobile. With so many people visiting websites from their mobile devices, being able to accommodate them with a user-friendly experience can mean the difference between success and failure.

In the Age of Technology, User Experience is Everything

Remember that time you visited a website on your phone and it wasn’t responsive or mobile friendly? It’s almost like the website itself is asking you to leave. As a website owner, you don’t want to fall in this category, considering that as many as 50% of online users quickly lose interest in your website — and your business — the moment they’ve had a bad online experience.

Future-Proof that Website Already!

The word on the street is that Google and other major search engines are considering mobile-only indexing in the near future, which would effectively place responsive and mobile-friendly websites into a league of their own. Google already has strict parameters that favor responsive websites, which automatically directs a lop-sided amount of traffic towards mobile-friendly websites whether you’re on a mobile or not.

You’ll also want to consider that by 2021, it’s expected that more than half of all ecommerce sales will take place on mobile devices. Responsive design is already mission-critical for ecommerce, and it’s expected that non-responsive websites will be a thing of the past very soon. In short, there’s no reason to wait — update your website to a mobile-friendly interface and reap the benefits now. If you don’t quite know where to start, contact us — we’re a cutting edge website design company based in Texas.



Southpoint Systems, LLC

We are a cutting-edge software development company specializing in custom websites and online systems — learn more online at www.southpointsystems.com