How to make quick money

Jamie White
4 min readFeb 17, 2020


A year ago, I was in desperate need of quick money. After losing my job (which in and of it self is an interesting story) and then separating from my wife for safety reasons, my son and I were forced to live in a homeless shelter. Needless to say, we needed fo find how to make quick money to get out of there.

I was faced with two problems at this point.

First, rent in my area has gone up nearly 200% in the last decade. Housing here is so very expensive now that you almost have to have two full time incomes to be able to afford even the most basic of places in neighborhoods that make going to your car something you don’t do after dark if you don’t have to. Second, although my son was a teenager and if we lived on our own he would be fine to be by himself, while we lived at the shelter, I had to be there whenever he was.

The amount of hours available for me to work wasn’t even full time when you take commuting into consideration. Not to mention how many jobs would let me take every school holiday (like 2 weeks during Christmas) off as well was slim to none.

I had to find creative ways to make money.

Today, just a year later, we live in a nice apartment in a good neighborhood, are planning on taking a trip to Hawaii in a few months and will be closing on a house in a few days. I have three months of savings, have started a retirement account and a college fund for my son.

But still, if for some reason, I needed quick money in one day, I know several ways to get that quick buck.

As weird as it sounds, I’m grateful for my time being homeless. It was hell, but it taught me ways of making money that have given me financial freedom. Most of my income is passive now, although I’m still out there actively earning as well.

It’s that gratitude that I’m feeling today that makes me want to share with you that might be struggling or just wanting a better life how I did it. Because if I did it, anyone can.

Financially speaking, you need to plan for the long term while providing for the short term, so that’s how I’m going to break this down.

Providing for the short term, or how to make quick money TODAY.

Your rent is due, and you are a little short. Don’t worry, you have options.

  1. Uber/Lyft. This was my bread and butter of the early days when I had limited time to work. It’s flexible, go online when you are able to, and make that bank. Okay, there is actually quite a bit of strategy involved in order to make good money, but when you figure it out, it can really payout well. A great bonus to me was that when I was waiting for a passenger, I would pull out my laptop and work on my long term strategy for passive income.

How to make passive income so you don’t have to work so hard!

This is what changed my life. I’m no longer stressed about bills, I have good savings, I can travel, all thanks to passive income.

One day, I was sitting on my bunk in my shelter, and I searched for how to make quick money today. There were some ideas, but nothing that really seemed to be legit. Then I came across Clickbank University.

Cickbank University is a program you can learn in your spare time on how to do affiliate marketing. What’s better is that they have their own affiliate programs you can offer people as well to make it super simple.

I watched the video they have on their page, and I have to admit, I was intrigued. I did some more research and found a lot of people that have used it to great success.

At first, I was just using social media to promote products and was actually getting some pretty good commissions.

What took things to another level was when I learned about how you can automate the system using programs like GSA-SER, xrumer, Scrapebox, etc.

Once I started implementing those tools (and others) I went from making a few hundred extra dollars a month to a few thousand. I’ll be writing up a more detailed article in the future about how I did it.

Looking back, I am so grateful for this past year. It’s been hard. I’ve had a lot of setbacks, but things are looking better in my life than they ever did before.



Jamie White

Coffee enthusiast. Entrepreneur. Father. Photographer.