The Pros and Cons of Playing Video Game

Krish Singh
4 min readDec 16, 2016


Playing any game give you relaxation and kind of comfort from all the tension which we face in our day to day life. Video games are not only popular among the kids but a large community of adults have also adopted it as a craze. Being in demand more and more new games are releasing every year. Playing video game not only helps you in keeping you cheerful all the time but it has lots of health benefits too. Here in this article, I am going to mention the pros and cons of playing a video game.

Keeps you Happy
As the technology is growing day by day on a large scale the demand of people are also increasing and in order to fulfill it they work harder to that they can get everything possible. Most of the people are so busy that they can’t get a single moment of time and it affect one’s health. In a day at least we should take out time for playing the video game for 30 minutes which not only helps you in removing your stress but also holds all your tension for the time. You indulge your self in the game and it keeps you happy all the time. Happiness makes a person healthy and glowing all the time.

Decision maker
If you play a game you get limited time to cross the level. Here you act faster to choose the right path or the selection of completing quickly. This also helps in your daily life, if you are confused about something you will have the courage to take the decision.

Overcoming Dyslexia
While playing video games you are completely focused on the game. You give your full attention to the game and you also start adopting this habit in your life. If you are fully focused on your work you will complete it quickly and correctly.

Improve Visual Skills
Playing a video game may improve our visual ability which is a crucial thing for reading or driving at night. According to a team of the researcher at Rochester in New York playing action video games train the brain to better process the certain visual information. Some of the new games 2017 are created in high resolution and this helps getting the better picture quality more clearly.

Ability to learn
It is believed that playing games may make us bad in study but according to a research there are many video games which enhance our brain flexibility. Some of the games required constant thinking and players Input. Playing such types of games can improve your ability of learning.

Slow down Aging
You might have seen senior citizens act slowly even they have the ability to make the thing faster. Maintaining a healthy exercise keeps you smarter and you look younger than your real age. You can see a person aged 60 if playing a video game for 4 to 5 hours a day will look like 50–55 years old. Playing video games boost up your speed and helps in maintaining your health.

Winning Ability
You might have seen many persons quit a particular task or anything if they fail in one or two attempt but playing video games teach you to never give up. Which playing a video game you might get stuck at a certain level where it seems impossible to cross that level for you but it’s your will who encourage you to not to quit. You will find the possible way to cross the level. A video gamer also adopts this ability in their life.

Apart from the advantages, there are many disadvantages of playing a video game too. Some of the disadvantages of playing video games are:

Playing video games may cause insomnia. Playing video games at night may cause sleep problems. According to a research, watching TV or playing video game after 9 may distract kids mind and they suffer sleeping problem.

You might have seen a person holding the game controller and playing a video game all the time. Playing a video game good but making it an addiction is worst. Some person has the ability to cross the levels very soon. Such person gets addicted to the game and they always sit at one place without maintaining their daily schedule and this impacts in their daily tasks.

Makes you violent
According to a CNN report, an 18 years old gunman killed nine people in Germany and he was a fan of first-person shooter video game. Playing such type of video games may distract your mind and you tend to think about the same and this also implemented in your habits.

