Understanding IFS In Bash Scripting

Linux School Tech
3 min readFeb 13, 2024


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In Bash, the “IFS” (Internal Field Separator) is a special variable that defines the character or characters used to separate a pattern into tokens for some operations. The default value of IFS is a space, tab, and newline character ( \t\n), which means that by default, Bash uses these characters to separate words in a string.

Here are some key points about IFS:

  • Default Behavior: By default, IFS is set to a space, a tab, and a newline character, which allows Bash to recognize these as word boundaries during word splitting.
  • Customizing IFS: You can change IFS to any string you want, which gives you more flexibility in parsing fields within a string. For instance, setting IFS to a colon (:) would allow you to parse fields separated by colons, which is common in CSV files.
  • Word Splitting: IFS is used by Bash to determine how to split strings into words. For example, a loop iterating over a string will use IFS to decide where to break the string into parts.
  • Line Parsing: IFS can also be used in line parsing to control how fields in a string are separated. Commands like cut can utilize IFS as a delimiter to extract specific fields from a string.
  • Array Manipulation: The IFS variable can be used to split a string into an array using the read command, which can be particularly useful when dealing with complex data structures.
  • Restoring Default IFS: After modifying IFS, it’s often good practice to restore it to its original value once you’re done with the custom settings. This can be done by storing the original IFS value in another variable before changing it and then restoring it afterwards.
  • Unsetting IFS: Unsetting IFS (unset IFS) resets Bash to its default behavior, as if IFS held the default value.
  • Empty IFS: Setting IFS to an empty string disables word splitting entirely, treating the entire input as a single token.

Here’s an example of how you might use IFS to parse a CSV line:

while read -r field1 field2 field3; do
echo "Field 1: $field1"
echo "Field 2: $field2"
echo "Field 3: $field3"
done < input.csv

And here’s an example of using IFS to split a string into an array:

read -a array <<< $string
for element in "${array[@]}"; do
echo $element

Can IFS be set to multiple characters?

Yes, the IFS (Internal Field Separator) in Bash can be set to multiple characters. However, it does not function as a multi-character delimiter, but rather as a collection of individual single-character delimiters . When you set IFS to multiple characters, Bash will treat each character as a separate delimiter.

For example, if you set IFS to “:” or “,”, Bash will use either character to split strings. If you set IFS to “a,b”, Bash will treat both “a” and “b” as delimiters, not the sequence “a,b” as a whole.

Here’s an example of setting IFS to multiple characters:

# Set IFS to a comma and a colon
# Now, Bash will split strings at both commas and colons

However, if you need to split on a multi-character string or a complex pattern, you can’t rely solely on IFS. Instead, you would typically use other tools like awk, sed, or Bash's own regex capabilities.

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