Latest Research on Sum-Rate Maximization part2(Machine Learning)

Monodeep Mukherjee
2 min readJan 13, 2024
  1. Discerning and Enhancing the Weighted Sum-Rate Maximization Algorithms in Communications(arXiv)

Author : Zepeng Zhang, Ziping Zhao, Kaiming Shen, Daniel P. Palomar, Wei Yu

Abstract : Weighted sum-rate (WSR) maximization plays a critical role in communication system design. This paper examines three optimization methods for WSR maximization, which ensure convergence to stationary points: two block coordinate ascent (BCA) algorithms, namely, weighted sum-minimum mean-square error (WMMSE) and WSR maximization via fractional programming (WSR-FP), along with a minorization-maximization (MM) algorithm, WSR maximization via MM (WSR-MM). Our contributions are threefold. Firstly, we delineate the exact relationships among WMMSE, WSR-FP, and WSR-MM, which, despite their extensive use in the literature, lack a comprehensive comparative study. By probing the theoretical underpinnings linking the BCA and MM algorithmic frameworks, we reveal the direct correlations between the equivalent transformation techniques, essential to the development of WMMSE and WSR-FP, and the surrogate functions pivotal to WSR-MM. Secondly, we propose a novel algorithm, WSR-MM+, harnessing the flexibility of selecting surrogate functions in MM framework. By circumventing the repeated matrix inversions in the search for optimal Lagrange multipliers in existing algorithms, WSR-MM+ significantly reduces the computational load per iteration and accelerates convergence. Thirdly, we reconceptualize WSR-MM+ within the BCA framework, introducing a new equivalent transform, which gives rise to an enhanced version of WSR-FP, named as WSR-FP+. We further demonstrate that WSR-MM+ can be construed as the basic gradient projection method. This perspective yields a deeper understanding into its computational intricacies. Numerical simulations corroborate the connections between WMMSE, WSR-FP, and WSR-MM and confirm the efficacy of the proposed WSR-MM+ and WSR-FP+ algorithms.

2.GNN-Based Beamforming for Sum-Rate Maximization in MU-MISO Networks (arXiv)

Author : Yuhang Li, Yang Lu, Bo Ai, Octavia A. Dobre, Zhiguo Ding, Dusit Niyato

Abstract : The advantages of graph neural networks (GNNs) in leveraging the graph topology of wireless networks have drawn increasing attentions. This paper studies the GNN-based learning approach for the sum-rate maximization in multiple-user multiple-input single-output (MU-MISO) networks subject to the users’ individual data rate requirements and the power budget of the base station. By modeling the MU-MISO network as a graph, a GNN-based architecture named CRGAT is proposed to directly map the channel state information to the beamforming vectors. The attention-enabled aggregation and the residual-assisted combination are adopted to enhance the learning capability and avoid the oversmoothing issue. Furthermore, a novel activation function is proposed for the constraint due to the limited power budget at the base station. The CRGAT is trained in an unsupervised learning manner with two proposed loss functions. An evaluation method is proposed for the learning-based approach, based on which the effectiveness of the proposed CRGAT is validated in comparison with several convex optimization and learning based approaches. Numerical results are provided to reveal the advantages of the CRGAT including the millisecond-level response with limited optimality performance loss, the scalability to different number of users and power budgets, and the adaptability to different system settings.



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development