The Future Of Content Marketing in 2014

Content marketing has not been more vital for your business to succeed. This article looks at the reason why content marketing is the life blood of your business.

Nadine Douglas
2 min readJan 15, 2014

Content marketing has always been a resourceful way to create real connections with your website/blog audience and potential customers. Never before however, has it become a vital piece of the puzzle for a successful internet marketing campaign. The internet has become increasingly socially based and because of this, the entire marketing industry has made dramatic changes in recent times. It is not enough to just write at your target audience anymore, you need to talk to your customers, encourage comments and most importantly listen to any concerns or suggestions they have. According to Marketing Sherpa, good quality content marketing can convert up to 30% more organic traffic into high quality sales leads. Great content marketing can attract high value customers, which are likely to come back for more because what you are offering is better than the competition. If they are coming back for more, they will be a lot likely to buy more.

Great content can also cut down on advertising costs as you will not always have to constantly advertise for new recruits. If you are providing quality you will have long term customers who will not only come back to your website but will recommend you to their leads and customers. If you are already using content marketing through the use of e-books, newsletters, videos, blog posts social media, you need to ensure that your content stays relevant to your business and you must take a concise and strategic approach to what type of content is being produced, how it is being produced and why you are creating that material in the first place. In other words you need to have a clear strategy plan and stick to it. Remember you need to be sure that you are giving the right message to the right audience in order to see your efforts turn into sales and profit.




Nadine Douglas

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