How to Deal with PUA: A Comprehensive Guide to Recognizing and Responding to Manipulation

Robert Graham
3 min readJul 15, 2023


Pick-up artists (PUA) are individuals who use manipulative tactics to attract and seduce potential partners. These tactics often involve psychological manipulation and can lead to unhealthy relationships and emotional distress. This article aims to provide a detailed guide on how to deal with PUA, recognize their tactics, and respond effectively.

Recognizing PUA Tactics

Habitual Lying and Denial of Facts: PUA practitioners are known for their ability to lie convincingly. They can create their own version of reality, even if it starkly contradicts the truth. For instance, they may deny an event that you both experienced or twist the narrative to suit their needs. This manipulation of truth can leave their partners feeling confused and destabilized, creating a sense of insecurity and instability.

Refusal to Apologize and Blame Shifting: Another common characteristic of PUA practitioners is their refusal to apologize. They tend to shift blame onto others, even for their own mistakes. For example, if a disagreement arises, they might blame their partner for provoking them or for not understanding them, instead of acknowledging their part in the conflict. This blame-shifting can lead their partners to feel responsible for issues they did not cause, exacerbating feelings of guilt and self-doubt.

Isolation and Smearing: Isolation is another tool in the PUA arsenal. They may spread rumors about their partners or portray them negatively to others. For instance, they might tell friends that their partner is overly sensitive or unstable, creating a narrative that justifies their manipulative behavior. This strategy aims to make their partners feel isolated and dependent on them, gaining more control over the relationship.

Emotional Impact of PUA Tactics

Emotional Instability: The tactics used by PUA often lead to emotional instability in their partners. The constant shift from praise to belittlement can create feelings of anxiety and threat. One moment, they might shower their partner with compliments and affection, and the next, they might criticize them harshly. This emotional rollercoaster can erode self-esteem and create a persistent sense of unease.

Loss of Personal Boundaries: Victims of PUA often find themselves losing their boundaries. They may do things they wouldn’t normally do under the manipulation and control of the PUA. For example, they might find themselves tolerating disrespectful behavior or agreeing to things they’re uncomfortable with, just to keep the peace. This loss of personal boundaries can lead to feelings of self-alienation and distress.

Responding to PUA

Recognizing the Signs: Recognizing the signs of PUA is the first step to breaking free from their control. If you find yourself feeling trapped, uncomfortable, and frequently anxious in a relationship, it’s essential to acknowledge these feelings as potential signs of psychological manipulation.

Seeking Help: Seeking help is a crucial step. Reach out to friends, family, or professionals for support and a fresh perspective. It can be challenging to see the situation clearly when you’re in it, and an external viewpoint can be invaluable.

Setting Clear Boundaries: Setting clear boundaries and expressing what you can and cannot accept can also help regain control of the relationship. This is a way to reclaim your power and assert your needs within the relationship. For instance, you might say, “I need to be treated with respect and kindness in this relationship. I will not tolerate belittling comments or manipulation.”

Cutting Ties if Necessary: However, if the PUA practitioner refuses to respect these boundaries or continues their manipulative behavior, it may be necessary to cut ties with them. This can be a difficult decision, but it’s important to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being.


Dealing with PUA can be challenging, but recognizing their tactics and responding effectively can help protect your emotional well-being. Remember, it’s essential to trust your instincts and feelings; they are often the first indicators when something is wrong. Seek support when needed, set clear boundaries, and prioritize your mental and emotional health. You deserve a relationship that is respectful, healthy, and free from manipulation.



Robert Graham

Passionate writer on investments, finance, psychology, relationships, and gender dynamics. Inspiring and motivating readers through articles.