The Screwdriver and the Hammer (or an old parable to new human resources)

Paulo Roberto R. Ferreira
5 min readAug 13, 2015


by Paulo R. R. Ferreira, 2011. English Translation by Fabio Prates.

One morning, a good Screwdriver was arriving at work when it saw a hammer trying to fix a screw on the wall. The hammer was having a hard time, for whenever he tried to nail the screw, he obtained one of two problem results: if it hits too hard, the screw would twist, becoming useless and not doing the job. If he hit to weakly, the screw won’t make into the wall; falling off on the ground and not having the job done. Being a good-natured screwdriver, it naturally said:

- Dear Hammer, why are you trying to nail this screw? You are perfect with nails, far better than I am, but with screws, I am the right tool, let me help you.

- Oh, sorry — the Hammer replied — but I can´t let you help me. This would be like cheating…

- What do you mean? Cheating who? This is naturally my job — and although you are working very hard to do it, and I sure appreciate your effort, I could do it easily and in far less time than you. Meanwhile, you could be handling the nails perfectly.

- Yes, indeed. But I was told by the Tool Resources Department that I do great with nails, but am not good enough with screws. In order to develop myself and be more useful for this organization, we decided that I must learn how to work with screws.

- “We” decided? You agreed with this? Are you sure?

- Well… I would be far better dealing with nails, as I did all my life and know exactly how to do. I have had a strong career up till now. But you know what they say: you must develop in whenever areas you do not excel in order to be more useful. And they also ask that we commit to this objective, so that’s why I said “we”. Sure I rather do only nails. That’s my nature and my strongest skill. But I must, so I can work here and do what I really like to do! I am good with nails, would not let anything or anyone stop me from doing it!

The Screwdriver shook his head and walked away. Hammer had a point: if he wanted to keep working with nails, there was no option; he needed to learn how to handle screws too. It was not long until the Screwdriver was evaluated by the Tool Resources Department, too. Sure enough, they came to conclude that, like the Hammer, the Screwdriver had “narrow” capacities: it was perfect with screws, but could not handle nails properly. This was an unnecessary limitation: Tools can, and must develop new skills, the Screwdriver was told. It tried to speak its mind, with its characteristic reasonable and transparent attitude. But when it replied that he thought that he would never be capable of dealing with nails as perfectly as the Hammer, the TR guy said:

- Well, Screwdriver, you are not focused on the solution, here, you´re too involved with the problem, attached to your limitations! You shall not believe in them. This is not the best attitude towards an Organization that cares about your development as much as this one does. It is a challenge, but also an opportunity! And in today´s society, you know — a Tool that does not show itself eager to push the envelope and challenge itself… might not reach its full capacity… might be shortening its own road…

Being good natured, but not dummy, Screwdriver immediately understood the underlying implications being communicated so smoothly by the TR man:

- Well, I am sorry I did not recognize all these good deeds about this organization before! Sure now I see the point; this organization is not only thinking of its own future, but also trying to prepare me for mine! Thank you very much for enlightening me!

Some time after, Screwdriver and Hammer met each other at neighborhood cafeteria one Saturday morning:

- Hey, Screwdriver, long time no see… how are you doing?

- Well, Hammer, not very well, I´m afraid. TR people… sorry.. we decided that I must develop my abilities with nails, too, just as you with the screws… but really, Hammer, it´s been a heavy load

- I sure know what you mean. When I began working with screws, oh my, they all end up twisted or wasted, work seemed never to be done, took me longer hours to develop this new skill… but eventually, it got better. Now, I can do screws too!

- Yes, and this is good for you Hammer… but excuse me bringing this up… I recently saw some screws that were a little skewed and not neatly adjusted… would…

- Oh, c´mon, Screwdriver! I am doing all I can! After all, you are the Screwdriver, you should be doing this! I am stretching my abilities! And doing it quite well for a Hammer when it comes to handling screws, don´t you think? In fact, seems that I´m doing far better that you are with the nails, please do correct me if I´m wrong…

- Oh, I couldn´t agree more… Nails are really tough on me. First of all, because I can´t use my stronger features to nail them! I must use the softer parts… and really, it hurts! I am having back issues, and all my plastic parts now are rapidly wearing out, for nails cut and dig holes in it….

- Oh, I´m so sorry to hear that… if only I could handle exclusively nails, I could help you so you would not be so bad…

- Oh, but you couldn’t be so limited, dealing only with nails! This would end up your future in the organization!

- Yes, you´re right. But I sure miss the days when my real skills were appreciated. Now, it´s all about screws and more screws…. Now, no one pays attention to the perfect nails that I can nail. They only talk about how I need to work harder to improve my ability with screws… no one congratulates me anymore, and sure enough, I can´t even dream of getting a raise, as long as I can´t deal screws neatly.

- Well, seems that the organization has now more problems with both nails and screws… and we both have more trouble too, hum?

- Well, yeah, you have a point here! I wonder who´s happy, since results are not better, nails and screws are worst fixed and we both are clearly unsatisfied.

- Oh, that very easy to answer, dear Hammer: do you remember who got promoted and got a raised last year?

- Hmmmm… that guy from Tool Resources?

- Yep! Right on the nail!

Well, it´s my greatest strength, still…



Paulo Roberto R. Ferreira

Speaker Coach, Transpersonal Therapist, author, consultant, writer. BE THE CHANGE. Gratitude.ॐ