Skynet Healthcare | Breakthrough Technology for Dementia Patients

senior tech News
3 min readJul 7, 2018


Image credit: Skynet Healthcare Technologies, inc.

Skynet Healthcare Technologies, inc. is an innovative company serving the senior care industry. Their cutting-edge tech solutions have a significant positive impact on people living in senior housing communities. Most notably, Skynet’s solutions provide a higher quality of life for residents with Alzheimer’s and other forms of Dementia.

RTLS and Wearable Tech Solutions

Skynet’s RTLS (real-time tracking location system) offers an unobtrusive way to track the location of residents, at any time, anywhere within a senior living community. Residents wear small, smart tech bracelets which transmit location information to the system interface. This remarkable solution provides enormous benefits for seniors, especially those living in memory care communities. These residents typically have Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia.

Why is this technology so important?


Dementia patients have very specific needs. Safety and security are among the top priorities for community operators. Memory care residents tend to wander, creating a dangerous situation. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 6 in 10 people with Dementia will wander. In previous years, it was common practice to lock these individuals in a small area for their own safety. They had little freedom, and needed to be watched constantly to ensure they didn’t wander into other residents’ living spaces, or restricted areas. Skynet’s system allows residents the freedom they deserve. Keyless entry technology prevents residents from entering unauthorized areas. Additionally, caregivers can track the location of residents, without needing to physically find or follow them. The safety benefits alone make RTLS an innovation worth discussing.

Hands-off Approach

Memory care residents are prone to paranoia and confusion. Having strange employees intrude into their lives often causes additional stress. Skynet allows a hands off system to monitor residents’ well being, and only send help when it’s really needed.


Walking and exercise have shown to be beneficial for brain health. There is a growing body of evidence from epidemiological studies that a history of exercise or physical activity may delay onset and progression of dementia in older adults. (1–5)The Skynet system allows residents to move about the community and courtyards, giving them ample opportunity to gain valuable exercise. All the while, being monitored in a safe, unobtrusive manner.


Most communities are required by law to check on sleeping residents every 2 hours. Skynet allows caregivers to monitor residents throughout the night, without interrupting their sleep patterns,, and can alert the staff if there is need. Melinda Smith, M.A. states in an article, “A good night’s sleep is especially important to older adults because it helps improve concentration and memory formation, allows your body to repair any cell damage that occurred during the day, and refreshes your immune system, which in turn helps to prevent disease..”

Behavior Patterns

Skynet has the ability to learn a resident’s behavior over time. This is instrumental in detecting changes in their health, resulting in quicker diagnosis, and early prevention of issues. Such observations keep residents happy and healthy longer.

While hospitals and other healthcare facilities are quickly installing RTLS, the senior care industry has been slower to embrace this new technology. Skynet’s system makes implementing RTLS more affordable and efficient. So, we expect to see more communities getting on board. This is a tremendous win for community operators, and most importantly, the seniors they serve.


1. Abbott RD, White LR, Ross GW, Masaki KH, Curb JD, Petrovitch H. Walking and dementia in physically capable elderly men. JAMA. 2004;292(12):1447–1453. [PubMed]

2. Andel R, Crowe M, Pedersen NL, Fratiglioni L, Johansson B, Gatz M. Physical exercise at midlife and risk of dementia three decades later: a population-based study of Swedish twins. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(1):62–66. [PubMed]

3. Colcombe S, Kramer AF. Fitness effects on the cognitive function of older adults: A meta-analytic study. Psychol Sci. 2003;14(2):125–130. [PubMed]

4. Larson EB, Wang L, Bowen JD, et al. Exercise is associated with reduced risk for incident dementia among persons 65 years of age and older. Ann Intern Med. 2006;144(2):73–81.[PubMed]

5. Laurin D, Verreault R, Lindsay J, MacPherson K, Rockwood K. Physical activity and risk of cognitive impairment and dementia in elderly persons. Arch Neurology. 2001;58:498–504.



senior tech News

Writing about all things impacting seniors, especially those topics focused on technology and the elderly.