We would liked to have won this one

4 min readNov 9, 2019


We would liked to have won this one. But we didn and we go on. The Nationals were awarded the 2018 All Star Game before first pitch, and signs in left and left center field were unveiled to commemorate the occasion. We need to believe in our own ability and expect to win even if this makes us seem arrogant. We should handle failures by reminding ourselves that things could be much worse. Retaining our sense of humour also helps. But did the messages work? Turns out, cheap jerseysVicary actually lied about the results of his study. Subsequent studies, including one which flashed the message “Call now” during a broadcast on a Canadian TV station, had no effect on viewers. The infamous 1990s Judas Priest trial, in which the families of two boys who committed suicide claimed that a song told the boys to do it, ended with the judge stating that there was no scientific evidence in their favor.

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