Emmanuelle Arsan — Life of true Emmanuelle

5 min readMar 4, 2016


Everybody maybe heard about movie Emmanuelle from the year 1974. It is cult erotic softcore movie. In the 70ties when hardcore pornography was forbidden it was one of the most erotic movie on the market. For many people in that time it was most erotic experience ever. Story of the bisexual Emmanuelle in the Thailand who are learning mysteries of the sex. What can be better? It was highest grossing movie in the time of release! It was tremendous success!

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Story of Emmanuelle is much deeper. It is quasi-biographical story of the girl named Marayat Rollet-Andriane who was using pen name Emmanuelle Arsan. This Emmanuelle was real person and author of the whole story. Much more intresting than the movie is book from the 1959. It is not just only stupid erotic novel. It is far intresting. Emmanuelle is trying to bring to whole story even philoshophy. There are many connections with famous christian french philosopher Pierre Touilhard de Cardin who was very famous in the time when was novel written. It is not only story of young girl who is enjoying first sexual experience in the exotic Thailand. It is story about sexual philosophy. Sex as drive of the all mankind. About erosphere. Sex are the instrument who are moving mankind to the eternity. I highly recommanding to read the book. It is marvelous!

Story of the real Emmanuelle is even so intresting. She was born in the Thailand in the 1932 to the siamese aristocratic family closely connected to the royal family. Her birth name was Marayat Bibidh.

Marayat’s family home was in the affluent Ekkamai District of the Thai capital, where she reportedly discovered her sexuality in the company of her little sister Vasana.

After attending primary school in Thailand, Marayat was sent by her parents to Switzerland to continue her studies at the extremely selective Institut Le Rosey boarding school, located in Rolle, Canton of Vaud. The school offered a bilingual English-French education to the offspring of the international elite. It was at a ball there in 1948, that the 16-year-old Marayat first met her future husband, the 30-year-old French diplomat Louis-Jacques Rollet-Andriane. Although it was love at first sight, they did not marry until 1956, then settling in Thailand, where Louis-Jacques was given a diplomatic posting at the UNESCO mission in Bangkok.

Bangkok in the late-1950s was a relatively small, secretive and highly-respectable city. It was not yet the open-air brothel that it would become during the mid-1960s and early-1970s. That change was partly due to the Vietnam War, when thousands of off-duty U.S. servicemen, assigned to the US Air Force airbases in Thailand, flooded the capitals streets in search of cheap sex. They were soon to be followed by Western tourists.

It was within the selective atmosphere of the Sports Club that Louis-Jacques and Marayat, with their hedonistic philosophy of communal sex, quickly created a sensation among the expat interlopers, diplomats, pseudo-spies, bored spouses, and jet-setters who drifted in and out. As a result, the couple’s reputation soon spread beyond the restricted circle of the initiated, and turned the Thai capital into a popular destination for swingers. It was at this time that they had their first encounter with the idle Italian Prince Dado Ruspoli, who belonged to the international playboy elite of the 1950s, and whose discourse on sex had a profound impact on Marayat and Louis-Jacques. They immediately made Dado their “spiritual guide” and “high priest of love”.

In 1963, Louis-Jacques was posted to Italy, and for five years the couple resided in both Venice and Rome, where they again met Ruspoli. He introduced them to the high society of transalpine libertinage. From 1968 to 1980, Marayat and her husband often alternated between Paris and Bangkok.

At the beginning of the 1980s, Louis-Jacques and Marayat eventually decided to settle down in France for a much quieter life. An Iranian friend offered the couple a plot of land in the south of the country, near the commune of Callas, in the Var. It was in this woodland domain they constructed their retirement place, “Chantelouve d’Emmanuelle”, an isolated single-storey house built around a vast patio. Louis-Jacques continued with his writing, happy to correspond with Emmanuelle’s fans under his pen name Emmanuelle Arsan, while Marayat, her dreams of stardom far behind her, was content to grow old gracefully, with the occasional visit to Bangkok. It was at this point that Nitya Phenkun entered their lives. She was an old acquaintance of Louis-Jacques, having been his secretary (and mistress) during his diplomatic posting in Bangkok, and on moving to Chantelouve, she took up her former functions, reportedly forming a threesome with the Rollet-Andriane couple.

Their idyll was shattered in 2001, when Marayat suddenly fell ill. She was diagnosed with systemic scleroderma, a rare and incurable genetic disease which had first given her trouble at the age of 20. After a period of remission that had lasted for 49 years, the disease returned and attacked her legs, causing her acute suffering and rapidly affecting her mobility. Her health further deteriorated when gangrene rapidly ensued, and both of her legs had to be amputated above the knee. She was therefore forced to spend the remaining four years of her life bedridden, being treated at home by a private nurse. Marayat Rollet-Andriane died on 12 June 2005 at Chantelouve, aged 73. Her husband Louis-Jacques Rollet-Andriane died three years later, in April 2008.

