
Why Mailchimp is by far my favorite service ever

Ziv Meltzer
2 min readOct 4, 2013

Since starting Hello Doctor, I got to use tons of new services. Most of them were really helpful, efficient, nicely designed, etc., but one stood out and made envy. Envy of their ability to be so nice, clear and easy to use. Mailchimp it is.

I know I’m not the first to write about them, and I know for sure I’m late to the party, but I just couldn’t resist this post.

Their knowledge base is so detailed, written in an everyday language, easy to search through; Their support reps are by far the nicest, most helpful ones I got to talk to; Their patience, attention to details and willingness to help were outstanding; Their pricing options and plans are easy to understand; Their error messages are funny and descriptive instead of being scary.

They could have just said the campaign has been sent… [screenshot]

After sending my very first campaign through Mailchimp, I was given high fives, and the option to download and cut out a “Paper Buddy”. You really do gotta love them.

One of their support staff member signed his first answer to my question with “The chimp loves the doctor!”. Can you imagine the smile I had on my face? It made me change the whole language of my support emails to Hello Doctor’s users.

The guys over at Mailchimp most definitely deserve their own post :)

