The Girl in the Green Dress

Sex in the woods is not always all it seems

Simone Francis
Micro Erotica
Published in
4 min readNov 25, 2021


“Follow me,” she steps off the path and into the wood, picking her way delicately between the brambles. She was wearing a sage green sleeveless dress that finishes just above her knees. The light material swings around her, lifting slightly to reveal an extra inch or so of her smooth, cream skinned, legs with each step.

In a clearing, hidden from the path, she turns to face me. Long, straight, chestnut brown hair frames her almond face and flows over her shoulders, reaching past her waist. There is a hint of naughtiness in her dark eyes and the flicker of a smile at the corners of her delicate lips.

She turns and takes a step away. Swinging her hair over her left shoulder she reaches back until her slender fingers touch the top of the dress’ zip at the base of her neck. Her crimson red nails blaze for a second against the muted green of the dress as she slips the zip down just a few inches, revealing an inviting vee of pale flesh. She shifts her position, her arm curling around and up her back as she grasps the zip’s tag again, sliding it down so the vee slowly widens. Her head tips forward hiding her eyes but as the parting material reveals the hollow at the base of her back she turns and her looks at me through the veil of hair.



Simone Francis
Micro Erotica

Writer of dark, erotic, supernatural fiction and light, sexy humorous stories — it depends on my mood. See more at