8 Free Web sources of Blockchain education that can take you from zero to Blockchain hero

AE Ventures
AE Ventures
Published in
5 min readNov 16, 2018
These 8 courses will help you see opportunities everywhere

After the success of our blog post about the Top 8 Blockchain and crypto movies you need to watch this autumn our team gets constantly stopped on the streets and asked for even more such posts with understandable sources of (free of course) information about Blockchain.

Today we are going to present to you a few interesting web courses that could help you understand the process of how blockchain works, how it can be used in real situations, and even how to start programming yourself. All of the courses described in this article are free to take and most of them are self-paced.

  1. Bitcoin: What is it?

When you try to talk about cryptocurrencies or blockchain to someone, the first and most widespread analogy is Bitcoin — the godfather of all blockchain connected processes. This course in Khan Academy by Zulfikar Ramzan covers the foundation of Bitcoin structure. He approaches what is a bitcoin in a very understandable way and explains how it differentiates from other types of payments and systems that are already existing.

2. Blockchain: Understanding Its Uses and Implications

In this course you will be able to go more in-depth of the different use cases. What types of centralized problems could be solved and changed? Here you will learn not only about the what different types of otherwise centralized systems could be transformed, but also why blockchain may be the best way to approach them.

For this course you will need to have a registration with EDX .

3. Blockchain for Business — An Introduction to Hyperledger Technologies

For this course you would need a foundation of technology knowledge or education or be a developer to be able to learn how to perform hyperledger operations. If you are in the tech field and have always wanted to go deeper with your blockchain knowledge, or even build your own blockchain application this is the course that will give you all the knowledge you might need! Here you will not only learn how this technology might be used, but also gain the practical knowledge on how it might be applied using Hyperledger frameworks.

On the other side, if you are a person with a business background you will learn how blockchain can create value for different types of businesses. A bonus is that in this course you will have a chance to receive a professional certificate if you decide to enroll for the final exam.

4. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

A course by one of the Ivy League universities — Princeton covering all the questions that might pop-up in your mind when you first hear about this new technology that everybody is talking about. It also covers a very practical side that comes after you understand what is crypto — How to store your new bought crypto.

The course consists of 4 parts:

  • Introduction to Crypto and Cryptocurrencies,
  • How Bitcoin Achieves Decentralization,
  • Mechanics of Bitcoin,
  • How to Store and Use Bitcoins.

Enrolment is open and you can take the course at your own pace.However, a registration on Coursera is needed.

5. FinTech Ethics and Risks

This course is presented to us by the University of Hong Kong. Here we see a different side of tech covered — the ethics behind the technology and why/how it can be regulated. In 6 weeks you would be able to gain all around knowledge on every ethical aspect of the technology and what are the risks around the Fintech.

6. Dacade & æternity — Introduction to blockchain course

Dacade and aeternity reward blockchain learning with cryptocurrencies — Dacade is a blockchain peer learning platform, with various learning environments, called learning communities.

The learning community “Introduction to blockchain” offers the opportunity to learn about the fundamentals of blockchain technology while simultaneously earning æternity tokens.

Learners will study from curated learning materials and can solve a creative challenge. If the learner’s submission satisfies the evaluation criteria, AE tokens will be awarded. In addition, each valuable and relevant feedback to other learners’ submissions will also be awarded AE tokens.Through this peer learning approach aeternity and dacade aim to make blockchain education accessible and scalable on a global level.

7. IBM Blockchain Foundation for Developers

This course presented by a big part of IBM’s lead blockchain developers will help you understand and train different strategies on building blockchain business networks. It’s a plus but not required if you can write code in JavaScript. In the end you’ll be able to differentiate what a blockchain business network is, how to build a simple blockchain model and what is the role of a developer in creating Dapps( decentralized apps)

((a hint: it’s huge))

8. Blockchain in the Energy Sector

Blochchain in the energy sector is the alternative theme examined by this course. It shows the potential uses of this technology in the energy sector, no previous technical knowledge is required. The course covers: What is blockchain?, Digital currencies, The evolution and future of blockchain, Smart contracts and decentralized applications, Blockchain in the energy sector: the new paradigm, P2P energy trading, Blockchain applied to EV charging. The next start date is 14 of January, 2019.

Let’ s know what you would like us to write next in the TOP 8 series! Our team is super excited to share our brains with you!

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AE Ventures
AE Ventures

AE Ventures is an investment company providing initial funding, acceleration, and advisory support to blockchain startups. Also running Starfleet accelerator