Blockchain in research and education — UKSG Webinar — September 2017 @martin_hamilton @jisc

Possible blockchain applications in research and education


Hoy traemos a este espacio esta slideshare titulada Blockchain in research and education dentro del — UKSG Webinar — September 2017 de Martin Hamilton del JISC,

  • London, United Kingdom
  • Futurist
  • Technology / Software / Internet
  • Google “martin hamilton jisc” for examples of my work, or check out my website. I’m always keen to talk to people about interesting new projects!

Aquí tenéis su Twitter / & / LinkedIn y que nos presenta así :

There’s a lot of hype right now about blockchain, the technology that underpins the Bitcoin virtual currency, with speculation that it could transform just about every aspect of our lives. In this talk for UKSG I consider possible blockchain applications in research and education, and do a little myth-busting about when and where it makes sense to use blockchain.



Juan José Calderón Amador * ✘ ★
🐤 ÑaM eDUCKacciÓN en RED 🥫

ⓔlige la cadena de la vida abc1chde2ghij3… ✘ⓔ-ⓝⓐⓤⓣⓐ, ⓔ-ⓜⓔⓝⓣⓔ Sevilla★#blockchain★elearning ★Ⓐrⓣ★ education★P2P★economy★