Chronicles of a High School Student
A day in the life of a student in the eyes of a teenager.

Published in
5 min readApr 9, 2018

Undergrad Choices
By: Jiselle Casucian

I’m currently in the last quarter of my Senior High School, and I’m about to graduate and enter the college life in a few months. Fortunately, I’ve already chosen my undergraduate course: Communication Arts. It wasn’t my first choice; I went through a lot of options throughout the years before settling on this. I guess I was influenced by many factors.

I think the most influential factor that led me to choose Communication Arts was my passion in film production and scriptwriting. Ever since I was young I always had this curiosity for the entertainment world — How movies and television worked, how to act and make a movie, and how to write stories and develop them into something people can watch.

In choosing a course, I really think a student should go for what they want, what their passion is, and what they think they want to do for a very long time. A career is not something you can easily change, so whatever a student chooses, I think they should consider what makes them really happy.

Undergrad Choices
By: Irish Galapon

When I was still on my 9th grade, I have decided to take a medicine-related course on college because I was inspired by the k-dramas I watched. Then, I have realized that it would take me a lot of years and money if I take up med.

Everything turned 360 degrees when I let my mom decide my course. When I was about to enter Grade 11, she chose ABM for my strand and she told me that when I go to college I should take up Accountancy. And then, at Grade 12, I have already decided to take up Accountancy because while I was in the process of learning things from my Accounting and other related subjects, I enjoyed balancing accounts and other stuff. Though it took me a lot of time and sleep, at least I am happy, and I have started to fulfill my mom’s dream for me.

Undergrad Choices
By: Germaine Roque

Originally, my desired course is Bachelor of Laws, but considering that I am required to take undergraduate education before taking that one, I had to choose another course for now. I did not know which program to choose, so I asked my dad for advice when I was to choose an academic strand for Senior High School. He told me to pursue a strand that I would find challenging. It’s supposed to be something not already aligned with my interests, because it’s easier learning something I’m interested in, and combining that with something I’m forced to learn because of school, I will have a wide range of knowledge. Because of this, I pursued the Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) strand.

The university I got in does not offer BS Accountancy, which is my desired course aligned with my strand; thus, I was forced to choose a management course, so that it is still in line with ABM. BS Management Major in Communications Technology combines elements of communication and information technology in management. I found this to be quite fitting to interests of both mine and my father, so I chose it.

The Most Important (and Terrible) Dilemma of My Life: Undergrad Choices
By: Sharan Deepak Thakur

Graduation comes to us students at a very frisky age; we are so vulnerable, yet, we need to learn to stand up on our own. It is a point in our lives when we want to be the responsible adults we are meant to be but not at the cost of killing the innocent child within us.

We are forced to make choices we are prepared for but cannot believe enough to make them. Such choices are those which shape us for our upcoming future. We are exposed to dark places like drug abuse, illicit drinking; even unhealthy relationships. We do learn from these experiences, as these are both important as well as terrible things but yet, we try them anyway as a once in a life time opportunity. This lie keeps us up and running again and again till we graduate and start our “adult” life where we constantly whine about wanting to be back to the childhood we so easily killed within ourselves.

The dilemma everyone goes through paves the way to the life they get later on and this is the only point one can make changes to, so that’s why parents always say be careful with whatever we do.

The Most Important and Terrible Dilemma of My Life
By: Eishika Dhar

As a student, there are often times where we have to make difficult choices. Being at a tender age, we tend to make mistakes, so it is often advised that children take an elder’s opinion about things they do not have much knowledge about.

The most important and terrible dilemma of my life was when I was stepping into eleventh grade and I had to make a choice between the much-chosen Science Stream and the less preferred Commerce Stream. Being a newborn to making such pivotal and life making decisions, I sought my parents’ help. They gave me an insight about the future in both Streams, making me even more confused! My heart wanted to take up Commerce as I considered subjects such as Chemistry and Math. A big challenge; but my parents made a lot of emphasis on taking up the Science Stream as it opens up a lot of optional careers whereas the number of careers to take up after taking up Commerce Stream are numbered.

I was in a dilemma after listening to them, I was completely unaware of what step I would be taking up. I placed myself in both the situations and it seemed that the Science Stream was outweighing the other stream in almost every way, even though my heart wanted to take up Commerce, thinking it would make my job easier for the next two years.

But I realized that taking up an option that will challenge me would help me remain focused at all times. After a lot of thinking and processing, I chose to take up Science Stream. It has been a year now and I am happy and satisfied with the choice made. So whenever you are having trouble making any decision, just sit alone for a while and think about the consequences of your choice/ decision and see how you will be able to tackle any difficulties.

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