Get Access to Cryptocurrency As a Student Via Õpet’s Blockchain-AI Digital Tutor

Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2018

By Pon Swee Man


Nothing shook 2018 more than the buzzwords cryptocurrency and blockchain. Software developers and programmers at the heart of the blockchain sphere found their experience and insights in high demand; even renowned education institutions like Stanford and Oxford have been catering niche blockchain courses to feed the inquisitive layman’s thirst for knowledge.

Blockchain and its most popular application, cryptocurrency, is more than just short-lived hype: some speculate it to be the future. Before you lose the early bird advantage of being cryptocurrency’s pioneering wave of adopters, seize the chance to gain valuable first-hand by trying cryptocurrency for yourself.

Gain Access to the Crypto World — Even as a Student

But I’m a student. I don’t have the money to invest in crypto for profit. There is a common misconception of cryptocurrency as a win-big-lose-big space dominated by ballers. While this assumption has some truth, there are many other applications that work to make cryptocurrency accessible in daily life.

The Õpet Chatbot: Tokenised Tuition

Enter Õpet, a digital tutor chatbot application that incorporates cryptocurrency as its main mode of payment and philanthropy. When students access the Õpet Chatbot app, they are prompted to set up a digital crypto wallet — the first step to becoming acquainted with cryptocurrency. After which, they can use Opet Tokens to pay for in-app digital tutelage, school tuition fees and even institution or job application expenses etc. Organisations partnering with Õpet can also offer in-app discounts and contribute securely to the many charitable organisations on the platform.

There is no better way to learn all the nitty gritty details unless you experience it for yourself. Õpet gives students the opportunity to access and interact with the high-flying world of cryptocurrency despite having little knowledge and assets, keeping in line with its good-willed vision to make education (both GCSE curricula and cryptocurrency how-tos) accessible to all.

Kickstart your education on cryptocurrency and more with Õpet now!

To find out more about Õpet’s vision in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space, visit the following sites:

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Bringing AI and Blockchain Technologies into education, Õpet is revolutionizing students' lives, helping them to reach their full potential.