Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2018


Get Affordable Access to Cutting-edge Education Resources with Õpet’s AI Chatbot Tutor App

Education for Everyone

By Pon Swee Man


In today’s cut-throat, competitive world whereby most high-flying prospects depend on one’s university degree (or pedigree), no one feels the pressure to excel more than students. With their future success hanging over their heads, students spend much of their time poring over assessment books, examination drills and for the more well-to-do, attending private tuition. Clearly, hard work and practice has become inevitably linked to one’s access to resources.

Enter Õpet, a philanthropic game changer to the education landscape. Developed to level the playing field of education by making premium resources more accessible and scalable, the Õpet Chatbot is a digital AI Chatbot app that is programmed to act like a private tutor-cum-study buddy. Accessible 24/7, the app provides a wealth of resources that students can tap on, as well as personalised Q&As with an AI-powered chatbot that mimics the private tuition experience.

Accessible Education

Wired to self-learn national curricula, the Õpet Chatbot is the go-to expert that students can turn to for their questions. Students can also practice question drills at their own time and pace without having to pay exorbitant prices for private tuition or assessment resources. The highly interactive Õpet Chatbot is also available to anyone with a smartphone, providing an accessible and affordable alternative to premium education.

Scalable Markets

Unlike private tuition which is bound to one’s location, the Õpet Chatbot tutor is accessible in the form of an app – meaning that it is available to all smartphone users anywhere and everywhere. As more developing countries embrace smartphones, the Õpet Chatbot will be available to more needy students, easing the problem of resource inequality in education.

Join Õpet’s philanthropic movement towards promoting more accessible education today!

To find out more about Õpet, be sure to visit its social media sites below:

Official Website: https://opetfoundation.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/opetfoundation

Telegram: https://t.me/Opetfoundationgroup

Medium: https://medium.com/@opetbot

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3735418

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OpetFoundation

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/opet-foundation/




Bringing AI and Blockchain Technologies into education, Õpet is revolutionizing students' lives, helping them to reach their full potential.