Get Flexible Study Support as You Work Full-Time with Õpet’s AI Chatbot Tutor

Working students, we feel you

2 min readOct 10, 2018


By Pon Swee Man


Learning used to be synonymous with “school”; in fact, for many pen-and-paper people who thrive without technology, it still is. Now, as the world continues wiring up, we have online courses, e-learning, online tests, and a goldmine of free and paid resources at our fingertips. School or elsewhere — learning can take place anywhere.

Working Students, We Feel You

If you’re a student with a side job who’s struggling to make time for your school classes, fret no more. You may be unable to be in school physically, but you can still keep up with the course material without having to copy notes off a friend — or even better — read up ahead on your own.

Enter the Õpet Chatbot app, the student hustler’s best aide for late night studying and crash course catch-ups. Recognising that not everyone can afford private tuition support or make time for scheduled classes, the Õpet Chatbot aims to provide the multi-tasking student with flexible support at their own pace and timing. Its smartphone compatibility also makes it accessible and easy-to-use for most millennial students, and handy enough so that you can whip it out to study on the go.

Hardwired with AI technology, the Õpet Chatbot self-learns standardised curricula such as the GCSEs, and acts like a chatbot tutor-cum-digital study buddy that’s available 24/7. Feel free to ditch the formal speech; the chatbot is programmed to understand and respond to questions asked in your natural language. On top of that, the Õpet Chatbot gives you access and directs you to a plethora of value-added digital resources — much more than what the traditional classroom tutorial provides. As long as you’re proactive in reading and learning, you’ll have an edge over your textbook-reliant peers.

For most of us, education begins in school — but it sure doesn’t end there. As the world grows more competitive with polymaths dominating the success ladder, it is imperative to keep learning and improving. With the Õpet Chatbot always here to support your study sessions, it’s never been easier to juggle the multi-tasker’s #hustle life.

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Bringing AI and Blockchain Technologies into education, Õpet is revolutionizing students' lives, helping them to reach their full potential.