Get to Sneak a Peek Behind the Mechanism that Helps Õpet Know You Oh-So-Well

Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2018

By Charlotte Kng

Ever wished there was someone who knows you better than you do?

Someone who remembers your preferences, analyses your performance history and profiles your own competency better than you do?

Someone who knows you so well, with a network so diverse that he has the capacity to readily and objectively recommend and connect you with the most favourable of opportunities without you even lifting a finger?

Look no further than your personal AI-powered chatbot, Õpet. Primarily an academic chatbot skewed to bring about effective revision for GCSE students, the Õpet chatbot came along with a cherry on top that is its artificial-intelligence-machine-learning-powered technology.

Õpet — Where The World Actually Revolves Around You

Behind the revolutionary chatbot that offers personalized, human-like responses and recommendations to each and every user is a dynamic blend of processed data unique only to the user himself. From social media footprints, academic records, to behavioural inclinations observed during app usage, a vast range of data is used to churn out the most relevant of responses for you and you only. It’s almost like speaking with a best-friend who’s cruised alongside you through your growing years; one who is so intuitive you don’t even have to finish your own sentences — he does it ever so effortlessly.

With such an aid (or shall we say, aide?), you no longer have to waste hours browsing through the usual broad, generic range of materials; educational resources best aligned with your needs will serve themselves right up your doorstep and you can be rest assured that that’s all you’ll ever need. They are, after all, carefully selected based on nothing but you, and only you.

To find out more about Õpet’s artificial intelligence technology, be sure to visit their social media sites below:

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Bringing AI and Blockchain Technologies into education, Õpet is revolutionizing students' lives, helping them to reach their full potential.