ØNDER Update 2019

Rustam Gabitov
Published in
6 min readMar 12, 2020

Hello! Let us present our report for 2019. We did a lot, but, unfortunately, there was no enough time for public releases. Now there is a short pause, and we are ready to fill in the gap and share our progress.

Here is a brief overview of what we have been doing over the past few months:

· products

· market

· team

· events

1. Products

Our goal was 4+ products in 2019. It was an ambitious goal, but not so right, as we realized later. Now, after extensive market checks of our ideas, we can say that our plans are related to 3 products:

· Accounting and settlements (payment splitting) in the retail electricity market

· Demand response

· Accounting and energy trading for microgrids,

and probably Green certificates registry together with our partners, but this is just thoughts out loud.

Moreover, we plan not to increase the product line in the coming years, but to develop these services. Since the energy market is not so diverse, and our forces are not infinite, we are concentrating.

So, on our website, we will put a partial closing of the goals for 2019–3 services out of 4. But also we will adjust our plans for 2020. You can read more about the services below.

a. Accounting and settlements (payment splitting) in the retail electricity market

Our primary and currently most successful product. We implemented the service at industrial facilities in Tatarstan in 2019.

The main functionality is:

· A distributed database of consumers and electricity metering data available for all participants

· Calculations for six price categories of consumers according to PP №442 ‘On the functioning of the retail electricity markets’

· Integration with banking systems to automate payments between settlement accounts of different banks

· Automated smart contracts regarding billing and payment splitting between service providers.

A brief presentation is located here.

What is important:

· Transactions are carried out in the form of a full cycle: from the readings of metering devices to the transfer of money between bank accounts, in the middle of this cycle is our ‘machine’ that controls this cycle.

· The system was implemented in conjunction with the customers’ intelligent systems and automated banking system.

· Implemented in accordance with PP №442 ‘On the Functioning of Retail Electricity Markets’, there are no significant obstacles to replication.

What’s next:

· Pilot operation in 2020, load tests.

· Start of replication of the solution.

But we do not forget that this is a big decision, significantly changing the rules of the game on the market and requiring further bringing the elements of the system to an industrial level. Therefore, we see here global development in the medium term. Moreover, the market in Russia finally woke up and showed a higher interest in 2019, which is confirmed by the experiments of PJSC Rosseti. This fact greatly distinguishes the situation from 2018, when there were only enthusiasts with beautiful, but dubious narratives.

b. Demand response

A new market in the Russian energy sector is scarce. We could not leave him unattended. But here we decided to act in a completely different way. We decided to increase the service gradually. At the first stage, we made an easy service for the information exchange between the participants. It is already available for purchase by subscription, and please apply!!!

A brief presentation on this service is located here. Later we will develop more severe analytical modules, integrate our accounting and calculations.

c. Accounting and energy trading for microgrids

This service is not particularly interesting here and now in Russia. Perhaps, it will gain popularity when regulatory changes on AEC (active energy complexes) are introduced. Therefore, we implemented it for REIDS (Singapore) and the full-scale testing ground ‘Internet of Energy’ as part of a project with the EnergyNet Infrastructure Center. Our efforts are focused on continuing development within the framework of the REIDS training ground in cooperation with our partners from MIPT, RTSoft and EnergyNet Infrastructure Center.

Our service is already deployed at the training ground; it also interacts with EMS RTSoft for the technological management of facilities. In the subsequent stages, we want to increase its functionality.

A brief presentation on this service is located here.

d. Green certificates (possible)

Now we are implementing the service of accounting for the issuance and circulation of green certificates for NP Market Council together with partners. We use the obtained interfaces to integrate the NP Market Council registry with our products. Still, our business model for this project is not evident to us. Therefore we do not have specific plans for green certificates after the project, but we are thinking about it. Moreover, they promise to approve the necessary laws for the development of the green certificate market (link)

e. Product Summary

Thus, if we approach formally, then we have (will) four services, but if we approach fairly, three services are currently implemented, and we plan, first of all, to work on them.

2. Market

Our goal was 5+ contracts in 2019. No less ambitious, as with products. But this time it was completely correct. We implemented this indicator in 2019. Our fifth contract was signed just in December 2019 with NP Market Council. We can proudly talk about a 4-fold increase in revenue compared to 2018. And this is in the presence of contracts concluded and moving to 2020 in volumes comparable to 2019 as a whole. We can also say that we are probably the only company in Russia whose solutions are bought by energy companies and are not implemented in a free or shareware format.

In 2020 we are focusing on:

· DR market development and verification of our subscription service model

· replication of accounting and settlement decisions

· integration with more sophisticated products (NGP — MIPT, A-platform — RTSoft, Flexibility Platform — EnergyNet Infrastructure Center, integration with products of large integrators — ICL, Sigma, EAC) and expansion of the market presence.

Our plans are related to the doubling of key indicators in comparison with 2019.

3. Team

In 2019 all members of our team began working on the project in full-time mode and me too. Besides, we have one new software engineer on staff. Ten people in total. We have gained significant gain through a partnership with the StartBlock team. Their team allowed us to significantly increase the number of releases and completed projects& Special thanks to them!

4. Events

1. Participation in the Deconomy International Conference, Seoul, South Korea

2. ONDER platform presentation at the international event Horizon summit (blockchain in the energy sector) in Berlin, Germany

3. Presentation of the ONDER platform at the 2019 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Helsinki, Finland

4. Winning the Start-up Pitch session at the III World Digital Summit on the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence

5. Presentation of the results of the microgrid project at the Asia Clean Energy Summit at Singapore International Energy Week, Singapore

6. The certificate of rating agency Early Metrics (France) is received


According to Early Metrics statistics, 83% of companies with top-20% ratings, like our rating, experienced significant growth over the next 24 months. A good sign, let’s see what happens next =)

