Authenticity: Sharing Your Truth

Cindy Barnes
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2020

Living in our new reality has given us time to contemplate our lives. Are there things you will change when we return to normal life? One of the questions that has been circulating in my mind is….

How do you express yourself to others? Are you a person who wears your heart on your sleeve? Do you show your true colors all of the time or do you hide your pain, anger, frustration from the world? Are you silently living in a bubble that nobody really knows about?

I find that authenticity is a work of art that for most people takes the majority of a lifetime to create. For most of us it takes years to get comfortable sharing our thoughts and emotions with the outside world. We tend to hold things in as we are worried about what others will think or say about us. You know.. We were born authentic beings — how is it that over time we become so sensitive to the external world as we age. When and WHY does this shift take place? It seems like most people end up hitting this peak at some point in their life where they come back to reality and say to themselves “its okay to be me”. “It’s okay to be my authentic self again”.

We step out, we unlock the door we’ve been hiding behind for so many years and we expose our self to the world once again. For some it can feel like being reborn.

When we let this guard down, we feel freer, more alive, and more vibrant. We feel like a baby once again, free of caring about what others think of us, free of worrying about what happens if we fail. We walk a little lighter in our step. We smile a bit wider, we laugh a little louder, and we speak our mind without worry.

Authenticity is freeing!

So I ask you — if you’re not living a completely authentic life right now, will you try and start? Will you try to take a few steps toward that locked door so you can come out from behind it sooner rather than later? Will you show the world what you’re really made of?

I feel like we all love authentic people. I know I certainly do! We love people who are as true to others as they are to themselves. Nobody in this world is perfect so there’s no reason to think we will be judged by our imperfections. Our flaws are what make us beautiful. They are what teach us our life lessons and ultimately our failures are what help us grow.

The path to living an authentic life starts with self-acceptance. Do you accept yourself for YOU?

I am going to be authentic right now and tell you that it’s taken me three years of daily self-care to work my way over towards that locked door but I am ready to step out from behind it. I’m exposing myself to you right now to let you know that you can do it too. You can overcome your fears of doubt and of failure. You can overcome your worries of acceptance, judgement, and fitting in. I fully believe that once you step out from behind that door, you will begin to radiate and shine brighter than you ever have before. Doors will begin to open for you, your life will feel fuller and freer than it ever has before.

If you need a little boost to get started, try to remind yourself every single day that you are accepted, you are worthy and you are unique. This simple affirmation will go a long way in boosting your confidence and your courage to show everyone your true colors. Try it out, the world is ready to see your beautifully authentic self.

