Visual Meditation Script 4: In The Clouds

Cindy Barnes
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2020

This guided meditation script will help you feel free. Begin by finding a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed or interrupted. Put your phone on airplane mode so calls/texts/email chimes won’t disrupt you in this sacred moment you’ve dedicated to yourself. Get yourself comfortable either sitting or lying down. If you are on a time constraint, we recommend setting a timer for however long you wish to meditate. This allows you the opportunity to fully focus on your meditation practice rather than worrying about the time. As you practice more and more, begin to add time as you see fit in order to enhance your meditation experience and reap the rewards of feeling calm.

Once settled into position, I would like you to to begin by taking a few deep breaths in and out. Close you eyes and imagine yourself sinking a bit deeper into whatever it is that you are sitting or lying on currently. Inhale and exhale, deeply and slowly for 5 full breaths.

Keeping your eyes closed imagine yourself going for a walk outside on a beautiful sunny, semi-breezy day. It is warm but not too hot or humid. The breeze flows through your hair in the most perfect way and you decide to stop for a moment along your trail and take a short break. As you stand there, you take a few more deep breaths in and out. You decide to tilt your head back ever so slightly to feel the sunshine kiss your cheeks. As you do this, you take your gaze upward towards the sky and you notice the clouds moving above you ever so slowly across the crystal blue sky. They are so full and fluffy. They are full of depth and varying colors of white, grey and blue. As they move through the sky you find yourself lost in their beauty. You notice the ever-transforming shapes they take on as you’re gazing up at them. They seem to literally be dancing through the sky. As you begin to focus in on one specific cloud, you notice how it drifts ever so gently above you. You become mesmerized by it. It seemingly moves in the same direction as all of the other clouds but yet it is living a unique life all its own; swirling around in tiny circles, completing a few figure eights and then you notice how it begins to break off into little, smaller clouds.

You begin to imagine yourself doing the same sometimes. Dancing through life day-by-day, everything swirling around you, sometimes changing but not too much. Venturing out on your own every now and then to see what you might find. Imagine yourself up in the clouds now; weaving in and out, back and forth across the sky. You feel free.. You feel light.. Like a feather in the wind.

As you bump ever so gently into the other clouds, a sense of comfort comes over you. It’s as if you’re meant to be up there. As you begin to float through the sky, you bounce from one cloud to the other and it feels like you’re bouncing into the softest and most fluffy pillows you’ve ever felt. These soft, pillow-like clouds are your people. Your family and your friends. As you bump into them you feel the urge to smile so big and so wide that your face begins to ache. You squeeze them ever so tightly and then you move on to the next one and the next one and the next. You look down and see the earth below you filled with beautiful, lush green trees as the branches sway in the wind beneath you. You feel amazing all of the sudden. You feel a sense of freedom overcoming you and you don’t ever want it to end. You begin to realize that you can have this feeling again and again whenever you want it.

You know deep down that you have the ability to come back to the sky, to the clouds whenever you need to just by closing your eyes and envisioning this meditation. This brings you great peace. You feel relaxed. You feel ready to head back down to earth yet again. As you begin your journey back to earth, you float ever-so lightly, like a leaf on a tree. You softly land with your feet in the grass. You tilt your head back one more time. This time breathing in the scent of the flowers blooming all around you. You open your eyes. You feel complete again. You are now ready to walk slowly back home where your beautiful life awaits you.


You are free, you are light, you are love,

Cindy & Amanda

