What Does Abundance Look Like For You?

Cindy Barnes
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2020

I think given the current state of the world we are now forced to live in, we’ve all had the opportunity to re-evaluate what abundance really means to us.

A couple months ago I imagine the views of abundance may have been a little different for a lot of people than they are today. Do you agree?

When you thought of abundance six weeks ago what was the first thing that would come to your mind? Was it money, power, freedom, success? Asking our self this same question now I imagine most of us are now finding abundance in being healthy, staying safe, having a warm home and enough food on our tables.

This virus, as terrible as it is, has caused us to really take pause in our life. It’s giving us all an opportunity to reset, refocus, and re-evaluate what is truly important in our life. We have been forced to go back to the basics.

It’s as if we are living back in the olden days when family members were the only other human contact you’d have for weeks on end until you had to take a horse and buggy into town for groceries. A time when a eating healthy and isolating the sick could literally be the difference between life and death.

A time when keeping your family fed, safe and healthy was your sole purpose on this earth and you felt completely abundant by being able to do just that.

So I ask you again..

What do you find abundant in your life right now?

In what ways has this eye opening experience, this life altering slow down changed about how you view abundance?

Has it given you some perspective?

Has it made you realize that your life is so much better off than you thought it was six weeks ago? I know it’s put some things back into perspective for me.

Let’s appreciate what is working for us in our life. Let’s find abundance in living simply again, in family connection and in doing our part to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.

May we find abundance in the sunshine and the rain and the benefits that Mother Earth is gaining right now by this slow down because let’s face it, she’s been way overdo for some stillness. May she use this time to heal and strengthen.

May we all grow from this experience and may you all stay strong, abundant and courageous.

