How to ‘Make America Great Again’?

Support the Great American Reich


Many developing nations across the world, including mine, look up to US for guidance and support in a hope of making a better future for themselves. That is precisely why I became worried when I learned that Donald Trump is on track to win republican nomination to become a candidate for american presidency.

I visited Trump’s campaign main website to learn exactly how he proposes to ‘Make America Great Again’. Nowhere on this site I found his Grand Plan, but only bits and pieces of his disturbing rhetoric. Mr.Trump lets everyone make their own assumptions on how to ‘Make America Great Again’ using his random thoughts and sayings, so I tried to deconstruct his argument myself…

Instead of America built on liberal freedoms, human rights and universal values, Mr.Trump proposes a new America based on unchecked power, strict order and outdated tradition. Trump wants to amend the principles of Founding Fathers to include traditional conservative southern flavor and voluntarism. I would not go as far as saying that Trump is proposing to build a fascist regime in US, but from what I hear in his speeches it does sound like a beginning of a Great American Reich. I cannot agree that electing president an ignorant and dangerous man with crazy ideas will make US greater and stronger that it is today.

Trump is a populist, he plays with public opinion, finds the most pressing issues and pushes for the simplest most popular solution which is not always the right one. Not only this approach is primitive, but it is a very dangerous one. In my country president also used this approach and in two years he started two wars, impoverished the nation and isolated my country from the world. My country Russia is on a path to become the next Venezuela.

Of course, US economically is nothing like my underdeveloped country, but a 4-year presidential term in US is enough to ruin it. My first impression of Trump in 2015 was one of a spoiler sideshow, I never took him seriously, but now it is time for all americans to do exactly that. It is not only the fate of United States that is at stake, but of the whole world. US now is a supreme power of the world and most healthy nations consider it the most powerful and great country, a beacon of hope for the oppressed, poor and weak.

US won its premier position in an honest competition among world nations by letting its people (and everyone else who so desires) to fulfill the American Dream — the greatest thing of all that almost every other nation wants to have. And Trump is not about american dream and hard work, he is all about entitlement and schemes of personal enrichment, capitalization of his personal ‘Trump’ brand name, which is clearly demonstrated by the latest report in John Oliver’s show.

Universal values of free enterprise and fair competition, promotion of freedom and democracy, equal opportunity for all — these are the true traditional american values that do not need to be amended.

Do not let it all go down the drain.

