Qwiklabs — Classify Images of Clouds in the Cloud with AutoML Vision

4 min readMar 26, 2020

Qwiklab : https://google.qwiklabs.com/focuses/8406?parent=catalog

Enable Cloud AutoML API

Create Google Bucket

gsutil mb -p $PROJECT_ID -c standard -l us-centrall gs://$PROJECT_ID-vcm

you can find this on UI

copy image data from google provide storage location

gsutil -m cp -r gs://automl-codelab-clouds/* gs://${BUCKET}

You can find there are free folder show up on bucket, and each of them have image data.

Download the meta data information, we will identify which picture will belong to which label

gsutil cp gs://automl-codelab-metadata/data.csv .
head data.csv

Change bucket name

sed -i -e "s/placeholder/${BUCKET}/g" ./data.csv

Copy metadata file to our bucket

gsutil cp ./data.csv gs://${BUCKET}

Now we have the data, we can start to build AutoML model

On the search bar type AutoML and select Vision service

First, We need to create dataset

It will take a while to loading images.

After completely, you can check the image data.

Click the Label STATUS, you can look at the basic information

Now click the train button, we can start to train our model.

Starting training…..

After training complete, you can go to EVALUATE part, look at the result matrices

And you can click TEST button, use some data to do testing




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