Live While We Are Young

曾子珉,2023 Intern, Department of English at FJU.

Being an English major, the question we encounter most often is undoubtedly: What are your plans for the future? It’s a challenging inquiry for students in our field (and quite a daunting one.) On the one hand, we pride ourselves on acquiring proficiency in a different language, providing us access to new experiences, cultures, and opportunities. Yet, on the other hand, students with other majors may easily elevate their English skills to a similar level. Consequently, without a tangible “specialized hard skill,” we frequently harbor the fear of being replaced in the job market. Particularly with the advent of generative AI like ChatGPT, prospects for us appear bleaker than ever.

I used to be consumed by this sense of uncertainty. During my university years, I didn’t pursue any additional majors or minors. Instead, I dabbled in programming but failed to excel, while all along I was more drawn to art and theater. Yet, I was hesitant to venture into these fields of work… I found myself struggling to navigate between my childhood dreams, external expectations, societal perceptions, and livelihood considerations, feeling torn in my search for the elusive ‘right’ answer. So, when a high school friend asked me if I wanted to apply for Epoch School’s International Professional Internship Program, It felt like a lifeline for someone adrift at sea, finally finding driftwood to cling to.

Epoch School embraces students from all kinds of backgrounds with open arms, and, most importantly, open minds. You can learn about the business world and the latest technology trends even though you are not majoring in either subject. You can try your hand at delivering pitch presentations, conducting industry analysis, and attending live lectures by renowned foreign professors. However, what ultimately drove me to apply for the internship was the belief that I would encounter a group of peers who, like me, shared concerns about their uncertain future but were determined to take proactive steps to change that. Therefore, with much anticipation and anxiety, I submitted my application.

Fortunately, after the application review and group interviews, I became an intern at the Epoch Foundation for the year 2023 and started rotating through different departments. Half a year has passed since the internship began, and it has not been smooth sailing all along.

While the Foundation doesn’t restrict your participation in this program based on your major, tasks aren’t assigned solely based on your major. Each intern has to step out of their comfort zone. In my case, I’m responsible for preparing and carrying out monthly reports on MIT-related research updates. Every time I do this, I have to gather news about the latest research they’ve published, read it thoroughly, and condense the key points before presenting it to my supervisor. For me as an English major, it is only natural that I have to spend more time trying to understand the content of those projects and making a summary out of it than other interns studying business or sciences. And that is just one of many challenging tasks I have to deal with. In spite of the struggles, I managed to complete one assignment after another, which has unlocked my potential and given me a tremendous sense of accomplishment. I felt empowered and capable of achieving things I never imagined possible.

2023 Computex

As part of the internship program, every September, Epoch School chooses 16 delegates to embark on an immersive educational journey to entrepreneurial cities abroad, where they will engage with startups, corporations, and prestigious research institutions. The objective of this 10-day visit is to expose young talent to how enterprises and organizations apply innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology for the sustainable development of society. I was fortunate to be one of the student delegates this fall. This year, we explored Silicon Valley, delving into various aspects of its ecosystem, including startup unicorns, major tech companies, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, non-profit organizations aiding the homeless, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Immersed in a wealth of varied information, we saw an entrepreneurial culture and workplace ethos that are different from what we are used to in Taiwan. We observed the passion and unwavering faith of those working in these fields. What kind of faith is this? It’s the kind that says, ‘Since there’s no turning back, let’s forge ahead. Even if I may end up working as a convenience store clerk, why not decisively pursue our dreams?’

While I was on the overseas visit, I found a moment to reflect on why I was obsessed with finding the “right” answers. Why did I rely on others to tell me how to live my life? After all, it’s my responsibility to make choices, take control of my own path, and bear all the consequences thereof. So, why did I constantly seek validation from others in my decision-making? This is my life journey, and I’m the one who needs to navigate it. No one can provide all the answers or take charge of my life. During my time in the United States, I realized how unfortunate it was that I once believed I should pursue a career that leads to success and wealth, even though I knew I didn’t like it and couldn’t imagine spending my life in that light. I was too afraid to take the risk of pursuing my dreams. If I stay where I am and never take chances, won’t I regret not having had the opportunity to make choices when I look back in my old age? When there are opportunities and resources available for us to take a leap, why wouldn’t we choose to “live while we are young?”

Give yourself an opportunity to resist peer pressure and the heavy burden of societal expectations in Taiwan. Join us, and together, let’s pursue our own dreams. Here, you’ll discover all the essential resources for taking that first step toward achieving your aspirations, and you’ll have the steadfast support and guidance of people who truly believe in you.

“I wanna live while we’re young

We want to live while we’re young”

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時代基金會以「推動知識經濟的橋樑」自期,接軌國際產學計劃、深耕人才、育成新創。多年來購過Epoch School、Epoch Family、Garage+,鼓勵年輕人的興業精神,多年來,超過3,000名學子受訓、上百名學子赴海外頂尖學府深造、超過80家新創企業成立,以及許許多多的專業經理人、非營利組織工作