
社遊記 SGD
Published in
5 min readJun 19, 2023

存在危機一部曲:快樂的角落 — 社遊記 (Trilogy of Existential Crisis: The Corners of Happiness — SGD)















More: https://linktr.ee/sgd_go


Existential crisis is an opportunity for reevaluating the meaning of life. Anxiety and the quest for life’s meaning are psychological themes associated with the concept of existential crisis. It refers to a state of doubt about the meaning and value of individual or collective existence. People may feel adrift in the flow of life, lost in time while searching for meaning without finding direction.

Existential crisis can arise from various factors such as awareness of mortality, questioning the purpose of life, or sudden natural or man-made disasters. This shift in values or feelings of loneliness can lead individuals to question the meaning of their existence. They may experience confusion, helplessness, anxiety, and depression, and start seeking answers to questions about their own existence. They hope to find a purpose for living, even amidst the ever-changing world, as they pursue happiness and meaning.

Existential crisis is a profound and personal topic, and everyone has their own perspective on life and existence. It can be discussed from various dimensions including philosophy, psychology, religion, and culture. When faced with an existential crisis, individuals may seek support and search for answers regarding the meaning of life. Through self-reflection and taking proactive actions, they can reconstruct or shape their own existence.

To grasp the colorful balloon of happiness, we can seek a sense of purpose, pursue adventurous exploration, engage in artistic expression, share time with loved ones, engage in physical activities, engage in self-growth and learning new skills, and find happiness and meaning through helping others and giving of oneself.

Happiness is one of the emotional states people pursue. It grants us joy, satisfaction, and a sense of well-being, allowing us to experience the beauty of life. Happiness is like a shining colorful balloon or a melting ice cream on our tongues, or it jumps on the grass, as if playing in a delightful manner. It can come from many different things and experiences, like opening a magical treasure box with endless surprises and joy waiting to be discovered.

Happiness can stem from gathering with loved ones, enjoying food and laughter at a dinner party. It can also arise from pursuing one’s passions and interests, such as playing beautiful music, dancing, painting, or singing. It can come from exploring the beauty of nature, like feeling the embrace of sunshine and sea breeze on a beach or taking a leisurely walk in the forest, listening to the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. Happiness can also come from small surprises and joyful moments, such as a hot cup of coffee warming you in winter or seeing a cute kitten cuddling at your feet. Sometimes, happiness can arise from helping others and performing good deeds, giving you a sense of immense satisfaction and joy, just like becoming a superhero.

Therefore, happiness is like a fantastic adventure waiting for us to discover and experience. It can embellish colorful fragments in our daily lives, allowing us to feel the beauty of life and the value of happiness. However, how can we grasp this colorful balloon and let it guide us towards the sky of happiness?

The ways in which individuals pursue happiness may differ, but it is important to find a sense of purpose and have a clear understanding of one’s values and goals. Happiness is often seen as a primary objective in people’s lives. However, different individuals prioritize and cherish happiness in different domains. People can experience happiness through various avenues, including seeking a sense of purpose, adventurous exploration, artistic expression, sharing time with loved ones, engaging in physical activities, self-growth and learning, helping others and contributing, as well as material enjoyment.

Finding a sense of purpose is an important pathway that allows people to experience the meaningfulness and direction in life. By pursuing personal goals, whether it’s wealth, marriage, career development, or personal growth, individuals can attain a sense of achievement and happiness in the process. Another avenue is through adventurous exploration, which encourages people to seek unknown territories, travel the world, experience different cultural landscapes, and indulge in diverse cuisines, bringing about a sense of novelty and excitement.

Artistic expression enables individuals to create beautiful artworks through painting, writing, music, and dance, helping them find inner peace and happiness. Sharing quality time with family and friends and engaging in social activities can bring about laughter, warmth, and a sense of fulfillment in interpersonal relationships. Physical activities such as running, yoga, swimming, and other exercises not only release stress and enhance physical well-being but also trigger the release of endorphins, the happiness hormones, leading to joy and happiness.

The process of self-growth and learning new skills can bring a sense of accomplishment and gratification. By reading books, participating in courses and workshops, individuals can continuously develop their potential. Similarly, helping others and dedicating oneself can bring about happiness and a sense of purpose. Engaging in volunteer services, charity activities, or contributing to the community can bring inner joy and satisfaction.

In addition to the aforementioned pathways, material enjoyment, interpersonal relationships, and self-actualization are also closely related to happiness and well-being. Material enjoyment typically refers to the satisfaction and happiness derived from owning and acquiring material wealth and possessions, but research suggests that this type of happiness is short-lived and diminishes over time. Establishing strong interpersonal relationships can provide emotional support, connection, and pleasure, increasing the sense of happiness and well-being. Self-actualization involves the pursuit of personal growth, development, and the realization of one’s potential, which can bring a sense of fulfillment and happiness.

The most important aspect is to find a balance in the pursuit of happiness, combining these factors based on one’s values and needs. Everyone’s approach to pursuit may vary, but the key is to understand oneself, clarify one’s values and goals, and seek out those things and relationships that can bring enduring happiness.

Let us strive to find the corners where we can grow and pursue happiness, nurturing ourselves through self-actualization. Happiness is closely related to material enjoyment, interpersonal relationships, and self-actualization, with each influencing and interacting with the other. Through a multidimensional approach to pursuit, we can attain a more profound sense of happiness and well-being.



社遊記 SGD

討論社會化作為遊戲於真實世界的經驗。Discussing the experience of socialization as a game in the world.