
社遊記 SGD
Published in
4 min readJul 10, 2023

存在危機三部曲:死亡很難理解 (Trilogy of Existential Crisis: Death is Hard to Understand )














More: https://linktr.ee/sgd_go


Discussing the understanding of death. How to face one’s existential crisis? A sense of purpose is crucial to overcoming the crisis. What are we living for? What are we willing to die for?

Firstly, let’s explore people’s fear of death and how to accept and explore it. The fear of death is a universal emotion among humans. Death signifies the end of our lives, and what comes after is an unknown realm. The unknown instills fear in us. The fear of death is the emotional and psychological response people experience when hearing or imagining death. As an irreversible and ultimate reality, death often triggers feelings of fear, anxiety, and powerlessness.

However, confronting the fear of death is an important step in resolving the existential crisis. It allows us to confront our emotions and thoughts, although it may require courage and psychological preparation. Facing fear can help us delve deeper into the meaning of death and find psychological release.

When facing death, can we feel the sense of enjoyment in the process? How should we seize the limited time in this life? How can we gain experience from it? How can we enjoy this endeavor? I look forward to what kind of achievements I can attain in the final outcome of this endeavor. Will I appear on the leaderboard, or will I be satisfied thinking that it was a remarkable activity?

Some may consider this as just a game, and the game developer did a good job. However, there might be individuals who feel bored halfway through the game and question why they should continue playing. They may think the game is terrible! Nevertheless, we must face the fact that life is finite, with a deadline and death will ultimately come. As a limited-time activity in this lifespan, how should you approach playing it? How should you spend your time in this activity?

Some people may spend their entire lives avoiding this fear. But if one day you confront it, you will realize that it will eventually arrive, and perhaps closer than we imagine. I personally have become aware of this point in critical moments of my life, such as almost suffocating in a lake or nearly causing a fire at home. I began to contemplate what my emotions would be like in those final seconds if I were to leave this world at that age. Would I feel content, thinking I had done what I wanted to do? Would I have regrets about unsaid words? Or would I feel a sense of liberation? Which feeling would it be?

After experiencing these situations multiple times, my conclusion is that I haven’t played enough.

Viewing life as a game, socialization is also part of the game. There are still many fields to explore and learn from. I aspire to interact with others in society effortlessly, navigating through crowds. I feel that I haven’t reached that state yet, which is why I feel grateful for still being alive.

Accepting death is a gradual and profound process, representing an understanding of life’s limits and its end. Faced with this realization, how can we bestow greater value upon life? Cherishing the present moment and living in the now, it’s a cliché, but everyone says it. Not just knowing that death can happen at any time, as we often witness in inspirational life stories where someone discovers a serious illness during a health check and has only three months to live. They realize, “I should make the most of my life!” We thought they had thirty years, sixty years, or even more.

However, in reality, people’s consciousness often realizes they are truly living in the present only when facing death. I believe that life is merely consuming time, existing in a state of physicality, and thus, we are like zombies. We only chase after things that emit sounds and radiance, pursuing social movements, judging celebrities, seeking places to celebrate holidays, and pursuing delicious food. But what’s wrong with that? This is my perspective — accepting what comes, finding peace in it. We all have to depart because death limits life, ultimately enhancing its value to some extent.

What happens to us after death? How does existence differ from nonexistence for individuals, others, society, and the world? In this process of contemplation, we gradually uncover our own views and psychological responses to death, thus gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves. In other words, the existence of death can inspire us to explore the meaning of life, and we still yearn for social interaction. Even if we immerse ourselves in consumerism all day long, when we see someone discussing something online, we still want to express our opinions to showcase our reading and perspectives. This is because we want to contribute and socialize. It’s not just about receiving information. Why do people want to produce output? I believe it’s a way of expressing the desire to interact with others.

Whether you are searching for happiness, exploring the meaning of life, or pondering why not to die, this process of exploration itself is valuable.

I hope that in this process of contemplation and exploration, we can gain rich experiences and personal growth, and find our own happiness, meaning, and sense of purpose. Discovering why we live and being willing to die for something. Wishing that we all find joy and happiness in this journey.

More: https://linktr.ee/sgd_go



社遊記 SGD

討論社會化作為遊戲於真實世界的經驗。Discussing the experience of socialization as a game in the world.