
社遊記 SGD
Published in
5 min readJun 30, 2023

存在危機二部曲:無意義地解釋生命的意義 (Trilogy of Existential Crisis: Senselessly Interpreting the Meaning of Life)














More: https://linktr.ee/sgd_go


Anxiety about existentialism and the search for the true essence of life are common psychological phenomena. In this world, many people collectively face this challenging baptism and anticipate the dawn after adversity. This raises an important question: what is the meaning of life? In the tenth episode of our program, we will explore people’s reflections on the meaning of life and their ways of seeking answers.

Firstly, individuals often ask themselves what the purpose of their life is and what meaning exists in this world. This involves their values, goals, and how to lead a meaningful life. In the previous episode, we discussed happiness as one of the goals people pursue. It brings us joy, satisfaction, and a sense of happiness, allowing us to experience the beauty of life. However, does the meaning of life solely lie in the pursuit of happiness? This will be the question we discuss in this episode.

Contemplation on the meaning of life often stems from doubts about one’s own existence and the pursuit of life’s purpose. We briefly outlined five ways in which people think about the meaning of life and how they seek answers.

The first way is through personal goals and values. People often ask themselves what they are pursuing and what is most important to them. Some seek happiness, while others prioritize filial piety and order. Some believe that sharing with others is paramount, and being recognized by society is what they strive for. Each person has different values and goals, constantly evaluating their lives and asking themselves if they are content with their current state and what they want to share with others.

The second way is through spirituality and religious beliefs. By adhering to specific religious doctrines or participating in religious rituals, people can understand the meaning of life and experience it firsthand. Religion acts like a set of rules, guiding us on what is good and bad, how good and bad people should behave. For example, Buddhism and Taoism promote vegetarianism and non-killing as manifestations of kindness. Muslims are forbidden from consuming pork, and violating this rule may be seen as a morally wrong act. Religious rituals and practices, such as prayer, worship, burning incense, attending church and singing hymns, allow people to invest their time in specific longings, fulfilling their spiritual needs and providing meaning to their lives.

The third way is finding personal purpose. Some individuals strive to discover their own purpose and give meaning to their lives by fulfilling it. They may pursue specific careers, engage in social work, or take on specific family roles to fulfill this purpose. This is similar to personal goals but places greater emphasis on the importance of fulfilling a mission or assuming a role. Each person has different roles, such as being a daughter, mother, grandmother, friend, company director, restaurant shareholder, church member, or team member, and which role gives them a sense of purpose and willingness to invest more time in it to give meaning to their lives may vary.

Fourthly, people may seek the meaning of life through learning and the pursuit of knowledge, gaining insights and spiritual fulfillment from fields such as philosophy, science, and art. It is not just about consuming entertainment in products, but rather engaging in the rules of learning and contemplating ways to respond, even interacting with communities and creators. Engaging with society, engaging with the world, learning and reflecting on how to express oneself, engaging in conversations, are all ways to gain insights and a sense of fulfillment. Every field of science is a pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, and such language allows us to better understand what we see and hear, such as interpreting news in the stock market or understanding social voices, giving us a deeper understanding of changing values and society.

Fifth, people come to realize the crucial importance of connections and interactions with others in giving meaning to life. They may establish meaningful interpersonal relationships through family, friendships, group involvement, or social service, and work to sustain and nurture these relationships. Whether it’s face-to-face relationships or connections formed through shared interests, gaming guilds, and the like, they are ways in which individuals mutually influence one another. The connections between people are not only about living for oneself but can also be sparked by resonating with books, words heard, or collective actions in pursuit of social causes.

People seek personal missions, which require constant exploration and reflection over time and experience. Each individual may have different answers regarding the meaning of life. In the process of seeking personal missions, it is crucial to respect and understand others’ pursuits and ways of thinking while maintaining one’s own thoughtful and open-minded attitude.

To delve deeper into the discussion of life’s meaning, we need to understand the impact of existentialism, religion, and personal values.

Existentialism is a philosophical viewpoint that emphasizes individual freedom of choice and responsibility. It posits that humans confront a reality of loneliness, meaninglessness, and uncertainty in their existence. These conditions are encountered by everyone as long as we exist, as long as we are alive. The world is full of uncertainties, and many things can happen at any time. Even money can lose its meaning at certain moments. Additionally, every individual is inherently alone, and no one can truly understand another person. According to the existentialist perspective, the meaning of life is created through self-choice and action while taking responsibility for one’s behavior.

Religion is a belief system that has a profound impact on the pursuit of life’s meaning. It provides beliefs in the mystery and transcendence of the universe and offers guidance for living. Religion typically includes teachings about the existence of God, moral principles, and the purpose of life, which significantly influence an individual’s sense of life’s meaning. Religion provides guidance and goals in life and emphasizes the need for individuals to have purpose and abide by rules.

Finally, personal values and belief systems integrate existentialism and other faiths, shaping each individual’s perspective on the meaning of life. Therefore, a sense of purpose is crucial, requiring time to find goals that align with one’s beliefs and values and making efforts to actualize them.

More: https://linktr.ee/sgd_go



社遊記 SGD

討論社會化作為遊戲於真實世界的經驗。Discussing the experience of socialization as a game in the world.