綜合格鬥 MMA

社遊記 SGD
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2023

競技之路:MMA 與電子格鬥的微妙聯繫(Unifying Force: Exploring the Connection Between MMA and Virtual Combat)

當談及運動,有一種獨特的挑戰,這是一場一對一的比賽,充滿著細節和技巧,參賽者使用全身各部分作為武器。在這場戰鬥中,勝利者經常同時獲得名譽和榮耀。在這場比賽中,任何人都有機會成為冠軍,只要能在鐵籠中戰勝所有對手。這就是我們今天要談論的主題,在現代社會中嶄露頭角的綜合格鬥運動 — MMA(Mixed Material Arts),它已經漸漸融合了各種武術流派的技巧,成為一個極具魅力的競技運動。並且我們將探討它如何連結虛擬世界的電子格鬥遊戲,創造了一個充滿趣味和策略性的競技領域。

MMA 打破了單一武術的界限,不同於傳統的比賽,比如跆拳道、空手道等,MMA 允許參賽者使用各種不同的技巧和策略,它是一個集合了多種武學流派的競技領域。這就像是少年漫畫中的場景,每個參賽者都有著自己獨特的技能和戰術。

現代運動已經變成一個科學化的領域,需要系統性的訓練和戰術部署。不再像古代的羅馬角鬥士比賽或者早期的足球比賽,只是靠著體力去比拼。然而,與此同時,武學在世界各地也發展出了多種多樣的流派,每種流派都有其獨特的技巧和特點。從中國拳法到巴西柔術,再到泰拳、太極拳等,每種武學都有其獨特之處。這使得每場 MMA 比賽都成為各種技巧的角逐,充滿了激烈的碰撞和交鋒。

在 MMA 比賽和電子格鬥遊戲中,有許多共通點。首先,對對手的研究至關重要。選手需要了解對方的身體素質、技能和戰術,從而制定出最有效的策略。這種對對手的了解,在現實比賽和虛擬遊戲中同樣具有關鍵性。

此外,距離的掌握也是重要的戰術因素。在比賽中,選手需要在攻守之間保持平衡,掌握好前進和後撤的時機。這一點在 MMA 比賽中同樣重要,在電子格鬥遊戲中也是如此。控制好適當的距離,可以為選手帶來更多的優勢。

而場地邊緣的利用也是一個共通點。在 MMA 比賽中,將對手逼到鐵籠的邊緣可以限制對方的活動範圍,進而展開壓制和攻擊。在電子格鬥遊戲中,場地邊緣同樣是一個關鍵的區域,需要選手在有限的空間內作出反應。

最後,體力和血量管理在兩者中同樣重要。在 MMA 比賽中,有效地消耗對手的體力可以為自己贏得優勢,同時在電子格鬥遊戲中,削減對手的血量也是取得勝利的關鍵。

總之,MMA 和電子格鬥遊戲之間存在著深刻的連結。無論是在現實的體育場還是虛擬的遊戲世界,這些共通點都形成了一個豐富多彩的競技領域。MMA 的崛起不僅帶動了運動娛樂的新浪潮,同時也將我們引入了真實格鬥和虛擬遊戲的交匯點,讓我們在競技中體驗到緊張與激情,這也使得格鬥遊戲成為電子競技的開創者之一。

MMA,或許正如其名所言,無論你來自何方,只要你勇敢追求,都有機會在這個競技場上獲得名譽和榮耀。在這裡,無論你的背景如何,你的努力和才華將是你的最大武器,讓你站在世界的頂峰,成為冠軍。這種熱血的競技精神,正是 MMA 和電子格鬥遊戲所共有的特質。

More: https://linktr.ee/sgd_go


When it comes to sports, there’s a unique challenge in the form of one-on-one competition, filled with intricate details and skills, where participants utilize various parts of their body as weapons. In this battle, victors often gain both honor and glory. In this competition, anyone has the chance to become a champion, as long as they can overcome all opponents within the cage. This is the topic we’re delving into today — the world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), an emerging sport in modern society that has gradually integrated techniques from various martial arts disciplines, becoming an enticing arena of competition. We’ll explore how it connects to the realm of virtual electronic fighting games, creating a fascinating and strategic competitive field.

MMA breaks the boundaries of single martial arts, differing from traditional competitions like Taekwondo or Karate. MMA allows participants to employ a wide range of techniques and strategies, encompassing a collection of martial arts styles. It’s like a scene from a manga, where each participant possesses their own unique abilities and tactics.

Modern sports have become a scientific field, requiring systematic training and tactical deployment. No longer resembling ancient Roman gladiatorial contests or early football matches that relied solely on physical strength. However, in the meantime, martial arts have developed diverse styles worldwide, each with its unique techniques and characteristics. From Chinese boxing to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and even Muay Thai and Tai Chi, every martial art carries its unique essence. This results in every MMA match being a contest of various skills, full of intense collisions and clashes.

In both MMA matches and electronic fighting games, there are many similarities. Firstly, studying opponents is crucial. Athletes need to understand their opponents’ physical abilities, skills, and tactics to formulate the most effective strategies. This understanding of opponents is equally critical in real matches and virtual games.

Furthermore, mastery of distance is also a crucial tactical factor. In matches, athletes need to maintain a balance between offense and defense, timing their advances and retreats. This is just as significant in MMA contests as it is in electronic fighting games. Proper distance control can offer athletes an advantage.

Utilizing the edges of the arena is another common point. In MMA matches, pushing opponents to the edge of the cage can limit their range of movement, enabling suppression and attacks. Similarly, in electronic fighting games, utilizing the edge of the arena is also a critical area that requires quick reactions.

Lastly, managing stamina and health points are equally vital in both domains. In MMA matches, effectively depleting opponents’ stamina can provide an advantage, while in electronic fighting games, reducing opponents’ health points is crucial for victory.

In conclusion, there exists a profound connection between MMA and electronic fighting games. Whether in the real sports arena or the virtual gaming world, these commonalities have created a diverse and vibrant competitive field. The rise of MMA has not only spurred a new wave of sports entertainment but also brought us to the intersection of real combat and virtual gaming, where we experience tension and excitement in competition. This has also made combat games one of the pioneers in the realm of esports.

MMA, as its name suggests, regardless of where you come from, offers the opportunity for honor and glory in the arena if you boldly pursue it. Here, regardless of your background, your effort and talent will be your greatest weapons, allowing you to stand at the pinnacle of the world and become a champion. This passionate spirit of competition is a shared trait between MMA and electronic fighting games.

More: https://linktr.ee/sgd_go



社遊記 SGD

討論社會化作為遊戲於真實世界的經驗。Discussing the experience of socialization as a game in the world.