
Chen Chen
3 min readSep 8, 2018

Outdoor Catering on a Midsummer Night | Frederiksberg Høstfest 2018

哥本哈根美食節 Copenhagen Cooking & Food Festival

Frederiksberg Høstfest| Copenhagen Cooking & Food Festival


We can change the world through gastronomy. It is the attitude of the over 100 cooks who have joined the new international initiative: Chef’s Manifesto.

It is the UN’s international goal, which is the starting point, and the ambition is to work for a better future for food and people through, inter alia, biodiversity, focus on plant-based food waste and inspiration for better utilization of raw materials.

The practicalities of Frederiksberg Høstfest: the participants must bring their own plates, cutlery and glass.


夏日的丹麥總有無數的活動慶典,哥本哈根美食節 Copenhagen Cooking & Food Festival(2018年8月23日-9月1日)便是其中之一。它是北歐一年一度盛大的美食慶典,將北歐一道道時令特色佳餚集結於此,向美食愛好者、土地關懷者以及期盼已久的和煦夏日獻上最高的致敬。

除了Israels plads (哥本哈根知名室內市場Torvehallerne後門對面)在活動期間每日皆有販賣特色北歐點心以及酒品,令我印相最深刻的是街道上的北歐辦桌宴席。每日的宴席皆由不同的主廚領銜設計特色餐點,參加者於官網購票後(約230 DKK),即可以email電子邀請函出席宴席。購票實在搶手,我與幾位好友在得知此美食節訊息後, 只剩下由丹麥主廚 Kamilla Seidler所帶領的團隊剩餘些許門票。當時朋友還揶揄說:「也許是這個總舖師比較不受歡迎吧!」

與丹麥主廚Kamilla Seidler 的美食相遇

老實說,活動結束後稍微查詢了主廚Kamilla Seidler的背景,才發現是如此勵志熱血的年輕主廚呀!在作為一名廚師的社會責任驅使之下,Kamilla Seidler與其廚師夥伴在南美洲玻利維亞開設了一家Gustu 餐廳,堅持使用當地食材,進行玻利維亞的飲食革命,同時透過 Manq’a 餐廚學校計畫提供全額獎學金,培養新世代的廚師, 她說:「我相信可以透過食物改變世界。」在此次宴席中,廚師們走入人群,親自將餐點端上桌,一一解說著食材的來源,Kamilla Seidler回到了自己的家鄉,傳達著同樣的理念,對於食材與人、與社會、與環境的關係與責任,透過一道道端上桌的佳餚傳遞給人們。

Latin America’s Best Female Chef cooks the world

Kamilla Seidler is known in culinary circles for her great passion and social commitment, being part of a worldwide acclaimed restaurant creation: Gustu, and a full-scholarship kitchen-school project called Manq’a that provides knowledge, jobs and hope to a generation of youth who would otherwise be facing a very challenging future.

During 2017, with only 1% mise en place in her suitcase “The Dane of the Andes” blends her adopted home country’s flavours with local products of a world filled with different cultures and cuisines.The mission is to spread the word of how Bolivia fight challenges through deliciousness, while discovering new colours and collaborations for future growth and expeditions.


覺得沒有比「吃辦桌」更貼切的字來形容街道上的宴席了,如此封街小孩們得以在地上打滾玩耍,大人們舉杯朝著一同前來盛宴的人們致敬,最後一道 冰淇淋甜點更是符合了對傳統辦桌的印象。只不過在13度的夜晚(即使豔陽高照),對於來自南方島國的我來說,最後實在無法吃得起勁,發抖到食之無味呀 !只能一口冰淇淋一口紅酒暖暖身了。

Toast for good food and good times under the sparkling sunshine; more importantly, for sustainable life.


