Rundetårn (Round Tower)

Chen Chen
2 min readOct 9, 2018

Astronomy had grown in importance in the 17th century Europe along with the competition among many countries in establishing colonies, creating an urgent need for accurate navigation across the oceans. The Round Tower was the first part of the Trinitatis Complex, which combined Trinity church, the University library (above the church) and observatory (at the top of the tower) in a single building.

In the 21st Century, Rundetårn might be the best place to play hide and seek in the central area of Copenhagen. There are plenty of small caves at every turning point that makes Rundetårn a perfect historical site and playground for older kids. Giggles and screams echo around the round tower.

The point is that the simple happiness only costs you 25 Danish krone.

Adults 25 kr.
Children (5–15 years) 5 kr.
Annual card: Children 50kr Adult 150 kr.
Annual card Inst. 125–150 kr.
Special Price Inst. (Per adult) 15 kr.

Købmagergade 52A, 1150 KBH K, Denmark (5 minutes walking distance from Nørreport Station)


