About US

Taiwan Climate Action Network (TCAN) composes of the five most active and progressive environmental NGOs that are concerned about the climate crisis both globally and in Taiwan, the member organizations including the Green Citizens Action Alliance (GCAA), Citizens of Earth in Taiwan (CET), Environmental Rights Foundation (ERF), Homemakers United Foundation (HUF), and Taiwan Environment & Planning Association (TE&P).

To accelerate climate action in Taiwan, this initiative focuses on four core key issues to strengthen the capacity of climate advocacy:

A. Setting up an integrated platform to coordinate climate action;

B. Enhancing the advocacy capacity;

C. Building up a Think Tank to support climate advocacy;

D. Creating international outreach and cooperation;

Four task force groups are formed under the TCAN framework:

  1. Climate Law and Carbon Pricing Watch: Although Climate Change Response Act was passed in January 2023, there is still a lot climate governance deficit. In order to earn the public and industries support for key elements suggested by NGOs, comprehensive analyses, citizen guides, and public roundtables are needed. Moreover, there will be several sub-laws of Climate Change Action Act, which requires progress monitoring to ensure the reform potential of Climate Law can be fully realized.
  2. Industrial Transformation Roadmap: The industrial sector accounts for more than 50% of total emissions in Taiwan, which is comparably higher than the global average. Most of the energy-intensive industries will get into new investment cycle to overhaul their manufacturing process in the coming years, it will be a defining moment for the industrial transition. Hence, this task group will formulate a Transformation Action Plan for Key Energy-intensive industries. Thorough setting-up a carbon management disclosure platform to increase the awareness of institution investors, clients and shareholders, we hope to create collective pressure to accelerate industrial transformation. This Industrial Transformation Action Plan will also identify key milestones such as material and energy intensity improvement targets, the share of low-carbon manufacturing processes, and applications of hydrogen in the process.
  3. 2035 Renewable Energy Strategy : Due to concerns about lagged renewable energy deployment, a coal phase-out target in Taiwan has yet to be officially determined. Hence, it requires NGOs to co-design an ecologically and socially compatible zoning mechanism to speed-up the development of renewable energy. With this zoning mechanism, it will persuade the government to enhance the 2035 target for PV and onshore wind power, to fully phase out coal fired power and transition plan for LNG infrastructure.
  4. Local Climate Action: Half of the major cities in Taiwan have already committed to net-zero emission by 2050, but concrete action plans are still lacking. This task force group develops Local Climate Performance Ranking and Net-Zero Planning Guidance, to support local governments to identify key mitigation measures. Moreover, TCAN will establish collaboration platforms between local stakeholders through a series of co-design workshops.

