What the new Mastercard logo will look like in China

JJ Ying
图月志 • IconMoon
1 min readJul 15, 2016
Image from ‘Brand New’ blog

In Brand New blog, the new Mastercard is described as:

the logo is easily identifiable and stands out from whatever is around it

Well, I was quite convinced by the official photo like below:

also from Brand New blog post

But thinking about the actual scenes happens in millions of stores in China nowadays, I gotta say, THIS is actually the real version of ‘stands out from whatever is around it’:



JJ Ying
图月志 • IconMoon

UI Designer, Full-time PSholic, Part-time CSSer, Blogger @ TuYueZhi.com, podcaster @ Anyway.FM. and you can know more about me here: http://JJYing.com