I Will Think About It

3 min readJun 7, 2022

We joke about how I knew the 21 years-old you, and how we both had sharper jawlines. I am secretly terrified of the latter but I must admit that we still look cute in our pictures. The amount of photos you took of us, of me, is probably the equivalent of the amount of all my photos since college, yet the time we were taking photos together is exactly only 65 days. My rebellious embarrassment kicked in during freshman year when my mom and all my aunts discovered iPhones and insisted on taking “family portraits” every five seconds. I started to dodge the camera because I refuse to believe that if you do not have a photo of it, it did not happen.

It happened so fast. I was getting to know Ottawa when I was getting to know you. Our dates can make the best cliche montage of a rom-com that is sponsored by the city of Ottawa. Sparks on Spark Street, fell in fall.

We saw the first day of snow together that year. We just finished eating pho in Chinatown. I still do not understand the difference between the blue one and the green one, but I remember how we agreed on soup is the best thing for cold days. We even saw all the snow melt away in April next year, when the land defrosted but the world froze.

I cried a lot during quarantine, like photos, I cried more times since I met you than the total of times I cried in college. I also laugh so much, and feel so much. I remember so much more, since I know you, because I love you.

There goes another montage, the one you fight, get comfortable, grow together as a couple, and grow independently as persons. We already are growing old together. I decided to be with you when I was 22, knowing there will be issues, big ones, those that involve time, space, and the theory of relativity. Yet, I told myself it is too early to worry, I will revisit these plans at 25 years of age.

I tried to escape from my own words. I avoided the questions without much success, so I tried to avoid you. It was a hard but needed week. I figured out how much I want to have you in my life. I want to be with you, laundry or taxes.

We reached the same conclusion, so we celebrated with Will, I mean with surprises, Top Gun, and barbecues. We promise to think about all the questions and answers. The faith is restored, because you let me know that we both want this enough.

I still believe in recollection and memory more than photos. I cherish the serendipity of a certain song, scent, or flavour can push us down the same memory lane. However, I also think that when we are together, every second is a moment of aura that is worth capturing. Besides, it is nice to have references while writing a creamy buttery corny piece like this.

Happy 1000 days. This is, and will continue to be, the longest walk. We will stop for more gelato and pizza along the way, and bother a few more generations of goslings. Thank you for being in my corner for 1000 days. Congratulations.




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