#6 如何使用 Xcode 將 iOS 模擬器影片錄製為 mp4 和 GIF,如何將GitHub上傳到Medium (How to use Xcode to record iOS simulator videos to mp4 and GIF, how to upload GitHub to Medium)

為什麼需要錄製影片或 Gif? 這是一項比你想像中還要更重要任務。

  • 您可能需要為拉取 ( 您可以與協作者討論和審查潛在的更改,並在將更改合併到基礎分支之前添加後續提交,這稱為拉取請求(Pull Request),簡稱 PR。)要求或問題單錄製 GIF ,用來上架到 GitHub.
  • 您可能需要它來讓行銷團隊為 App Store 製作應用程式預覽。
  • 您可能需要為您的部落格文章錄製 GIF。

Why we need to Record a video or GIF of your app? It’s an essential task than you might think.

  • You might need to record a GIF for your pull requests ( You can discuss and review the potential changes with collaborators and add follow-up commits before your changes are merged into the base branch is called a Pull Request, or PR for short. ) or an issue ticket that you’ve pushed to a branch in a repository on GitHub.
  • You might need it for a marketing team to make an App Previews for the App Store.
  • You might need to record a GIF for your blog posts.

How to record a Video

To save our video as a GIF, you follow the same steps in How to record a video. After finished recording (Step 4.) and the video preview showing up, right-click on the video preview, then select Save as Animated GIF.

App’s gif and video

  • 錄製影片。 (Record a video)
  • 錄製 gif。 (Record a GIF)

啟動模擬器 Open the iOS Simulator


  1. 啟動模擬器應用程式。(Launch Simulator app.)
  2. 開啟「檔案」選單 >「錄製畫面」或⌘ — command+ R (Open File menu > Record Screen or ⌘ — command + R)


Recording indicator will show up on the upper right of the title bar. You can begin your recording after the indicator showing up. After finish recording, tap the recording indicator to stop the record.


After a while, the video preview will dismiss, and the video file will save on your Desktop. Video preview will show up at the bottom-right of the simulator.

預設檔案格式是 mp4,但您也可以直接將其另存為動畫 GIF。

The default file format is mp4, but you also save it as Animated GIF right out of the box without finding other tools.

如何錄製 GIF

How to record a GIF

若要將影片另存為 GIF,請按照如何錄製影片中的相同步驟進行操作。完成錄製並顯示影片預覽後,右鍵單擊影片預覽,然後選擇另存為動畫 GIF

To save our video as a GIF, you follow the same steps in How to record a video. After finished recording and the video preview showing up, right-click on the video preview, then select Save as Animated GIF.

選擇「另存為動畫 GIF」會將影片另存為桌面上的 GIF ,並立即關閉預覽。如果您想要兩種格式(mp4 和 GIF),請按住並⌥ — Option選擇「將副本另存為動畫 GIF」。(按住Option鍵時,「另存為動畫 GIF」選項將變更為「將副本另存為動畫 GIF」)。

Choose Save as Animated GIF will save your video as a GIF on your Desktop and immediately dismiss the preview. If you want to have both formats (mp4 and GIF), press and hold ⌥ — Option and select Save Copy as Animated GIF. (Save as Animated GIF option will change to Save Copy as Animated GIF while holding down an Option key).

如何將 GitHub 發表在 Medium

How to publish Github on Medium

將專案的 GitHub 網址貼在 Medium 發表的作業文章裡示範如下:


An example of posting the project’s GitHub URL on Medium is as follows :

The following link is the GitHub URL of the project Demo.

Step 1 : Your profile

Step 2 : Repositories

Step 3 : Copy Link

Step 4 : Post on Medium

