#4 Human Interface Guidelines 閱讀心得

The HIG contains guidance and best practices that can help you design a great experience for any Apple platform. ~ Apple

Apple 提供了許多人機介面的指導內容,在頁面內可以清楚的找到應對的資訊,我們快速來看一下有哪些重點:
1.New and updated : Designing for visionOSSpatial layoutImmersive experiencesOrnamentsEyesSharePlay

2.Featured : FeaturedApp iconsMotionButtonsWindowsFocus and selectionGestures

3.Platforms : Create an app or game that feels at home on every platform you support.

4.Foundations : Understand how fundamental design elements help you create rich experiences.

5.Patterns : Get design guidance for supporting common user actions, tasks, and experiences.

6.Components : Learn how to use and customize system-defined components to give people a familiar and consistent experience.

7.Inputs : Learn about the various methods people use to control your app or game and enter data.

8.Technologies : Discover the Apple technologies, features, and services you can integrate into your app or game.


Immersive experiences

In visionOS, you can design apps and games that extend beyond windows and volumes, and let people immerse themselves in your content.


Immersion and passthrough

visionOS supports a spectrum of immersion that helps you give people several ways to experience your app or game. Throughout this spectrum, the visibility of people’s physical surroundings plays a key role in the immersiveness of the experience.

Consider the following techniques for immersing people in your experience and helping them engage with your content.

  • Dim passthrough while in the Shared Space. You can ask the system to subtly dim passthrough and other visible content to minimize distractions and highlight a specific window or volume, without hiding other apps. For developer guidance, see SurroundingsEffect.
  • Display 3D content in a Full Space. When your app transitions to a Full Space, you can display 3D content that isn’t bound by a window, in addition to content in standard windows and volumes. For developer guidance, see automatic.
  • Integrate with someone’s surroundings. When running in a Full Space, your app can also request access to information about nearby physical objects and room layout, helping you display virtual content that blends with people’s surroundings. For developer guidance, see mixed and ARKit.
  • Create a portal. An app running in a Full Space can use a portal to offer a more immersive experience that doesn’t completely remove people from their surroundings. When a portal opens, people get a roughly 180-degree view into your immersive content, and they can use the Digital Crown to adjust the size of the portal. For developer guidance, see progressive.
  • Create a fully immersive experience. To provide a fully immersive experience, an app running in a Full Space can ask the system to hide passthrough while it displays content that completely surrounds people, transporting them to a new place. For developer guidance, see full.

visionOS implements the following behaviors while people use apps.

  • If a person moves more than about a meter, the system automatically makes all displayed content translucent to help them navigate their surroundings.
  • When a fully immersive experience starts, the system defines an invisible zone that extends 1.5 meters from the initial position of the wearer’s head. If their head moves outside of that zone, the experience automatically stops and passthrough returns to help people avoid colliding with objects in their physical surroundings.
  • The system can stop an immersive experience when people get too close to a physical object or when they move too quickly.

Best practices

Offer multiple ways to use your app. In addition to giving people the freedom to choose their experiences, it’s essential to design your app to support the accessibility features people use to personalize the ways they interact with their devices. For guidance, see Accessibility.

1.Reserve immersion for meaningful moments and content.

2.Help people engage with key moments in your app, regardless of the level of immersion.

3.Prefer letting people choose when to enter a more immersive experience.

4.Design smooth, predictable transitions between experiences.

5.Make it easy for people to exit an immersive experience.

6.Avoid encouraging people to move while they’re in a fully immersive experience.

7.Adopt ARKit if you want to blend app content with someone’s surroundings.

8.In an app that lets people blend virtual objects with their surroundings, help them avoid completely obscuring passthrough.

9.Be mindful of people’s visual comfort.

Platform considerations

Not supported in iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, or watchOS.



Spatial layout


Developer documentation

Creating fully immersive experiences in your app — visionOS

Incorporating real-world surroundings in an immersive experience — visionOS

Immersive spaces — SwiftUI

*Resource : https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/immersive-experiences#Platform-considerations

