Meg Dong
Published in
6 min readJun 24, 2019


【親子火車環島】暑假來了~8天7夜 詳細計畫 按表執行 Part ONE

這地圖很棒!可以帶孩子先「走」一次 大圖在這裡







Day 1 Fulong 福隆 & Old Caoling Tunnel 舊草嶺隧道

9:00 Taipei → 9:56 Fulong (福隆)

T.C.Express №212 (自強號)

10:20 Rent bikes, buy famous lunch box

11:20 arrive South Entrance of the Tunnel, picture and eat lunch box

……..If you’re lucky, you can see the Puyuma Express passing by..

12:40 Back to the Station, return bicycles, have some shaved ice (剉冰)

2:00 check in B&B (close to beach) (藍天民宿)

2:30 beach play

5:30 back to B&B, show and change

6:30 Dinner, very good fish restaurant (福隆聰師傅山海鮮)

Stay: 藍天民宿


【親子環島遊】 Day 1 東北角 — 福隆舊草嶺隧道單車&海濱公園沙灘

Day 2 Yilan Towntown 宜蘭古城 → Hualien Night Market 花蓮夜市

9:00 Breakfast at local bistro 早餐店

10:10 → 10:59 Fulong → Yilan (宜蘭)Shuttle train №4154 宜蘭縣區間車

. find locker (車站寄行李)

. information center (on the right side of the station)(遊客服務中心)

. Jimi Square 丟丟噹森林 (in front of the station)

. snack 游家麻糬米糕

. explore Old Town (城隍廟、棺材店)

12:30 Lunch: noodles soup(十六崁瓜仔雞麵) and Jelly Fig (愛玉 next door)

1:30 Back to Yilan Station

. Jimi Park (right side of the Station)

. POYA 寶雅 (great place for mommy to shop)

3:37→ 4:39 Yilan →Hualien Puyuma Express №232 (普悠瑪232車次)

Pick up by B&B owner (or can take a taxi).

5:30 walk to 舊書舖子(second hand bookstore and cafe)&公正包子 (steamed dumpling)

6:30 Pacific Landscape Park (北濱公園) &Tungtamen Night Market (東大門夜市)

9:00 Back to B&B

Dinner: 公正包子 &Night market

Stay: 愛旅行B&B (this one is in the morning market. there are a lot B&B alongside the beach, can check them out)

Day 3 Hualien Taroko National Park


8:40 Taxi to Hualien Train Station (計程車到花蓮火車站)

9:10 → 9:50 Taiwan Trip Bus, Hualien Station → Taroko NP info center

(台灣好行 太魯閣線,公車站在火車站的旁邊))

. take a walk from info center to Shakadang Trail entrance.



10:15 → Shakadang Trail 砂卡噹步道 about 1.5hrs, in & out. Stop for snacks.

11:51→ 12:05 Sakadan trail stop →Taroko Buluowan 布洛灣

. sight viewing, Taroka trib history

12:25 Lunch at Buluowan cafeteria (布洛灣午餐)

12:55 → 13:15 Buluuowan → Tianxiang 天祥

. Sightseeing

. Central Cross-Island Highway Museum 中橫故事館


14:10 → 14:22 Tianxiang 天祥 → Swallow Grotto 燕子口

. Swallow Grotto Trail

. Sightseeing

13:12 → 15:57 Swallow Grotto 燕子口 → Qixingtan Beach 七星潭

. Sightseeing

. Air plant landing in Hualien local airport

. Play beach stone

17:57→ 18:10 Qixingtan Beach 七星潭 → Hualien Train Station

Dinner: McDanald near Hualien Station

Stay: Heart Travel Hostel (no longer operate)



【親子環島遊】 Day 1 東北角 — 福隆舊草嶺隧道單車&海濱公園沙灘

