Meg Dong
Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2019


【親子火車環島】Part TWO 4th day to 5th day

4th Day, Luye (鹿野)

It was an easy day compared to yesterday. We got on the train to Luye(鹿野) and enjoy the ride very much. The plain field of rice reminded us the abondence of Taiwan.

8:00 get up and prepare for leaving

8:30 left b&b for Breakfast in McDonald’s

9:00 Text to train station

9:29 → 12:12 T.C.Express №404 HuaLien → Luye

自強404班次 花蓮 → 鹿野

12:30 Lunch at Sarconi Bistro $350/person

1:30 Luye Post office, write a postcard to yourself.

2:00 Rent a motorcycle $400/pday, gas$80

arrive at B&B, Luye GaoTai B&B (鹿野高台民宿), take a rest and explore near by places.

4:00–5:30 Luye GaoTai pavilion

5:30 IceSpring Luye No 76 Honest Store 春一枝鹿野76誠信商店

6:00 head to town for dinner, and explore the agriculture stencil store in town.

8:00 back to B&B

5th Day Luye 鹿野 → Fangliao枋寮 →海生館

We had so much fun this morning. We ate our breakfast in front of the butterfly garden where the owner plant so many nectariferous plants. We are literarily surrounded by butterflies.

The owner was very nice to give us a ride.

10: 10 Set out for Luye Train Station. return the motorcycle.

10:50 →12:36 T.C.Express №308 Luye → Fangliao

Very nice scenery ride. you travel from the east side of Taiwan to the west side. From seeing Pacific ocean to seeing Taiwan Strait. A lot of Tunnels.

I checked the railway timetable, the trains before noon are canceled. if leave in the morning, your will have to transfer in Taitung Station.

1:20 → 2:40 Fangliao枋寮 →National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium 海生館

After arriving in Fangliao, We car pool with two other ladies. We meet the nicest person in our journey. The driver of the taxi took us to a mango market and we enjoy local freshly-picked mangoes!

The ride is about 45 mins. Because we stop for mangoes, it took us about 1:20.

After we arrived at 海生館,we looked around and wait for the program to be started at 4:00PM.

5:30 Dinner

After dinner, you can looked around a bit.

7:00 night program, explore the “backstages”

8:00 Get ready for the “bed”

8:30 →9:30 take a walk in the garden of 海生館, take turns to shower.

Sleep nice and sound.

