[GCP] 退費-服務忘記關閉

PC Chen
Published in
9 min readFeb 24, 2022

為了開發 side project 的需求,特別開了 google cloud platform(GCP) 的帳號來玩,大致上是想使用 cloud SQL 當作關連式資料庫、compute engine 當作 jenkins server與測試環境、Container Registry 當作映像檔儲存、GKE 當作正式環境部署的 Kubernetes,一口氣把免費額度都用飽的概念。結果最近實在太多事情(工作、房子),網路上常常提醒大家不用的服務一定要記得關,我就真的採坑忘記關了….

最後關連式資料庫的部分我選擇用 AWS RDS,原因也很簡單:前公司有操作過比較熟悉。但就是這個BUT,我忘了把 google cloud SQL 關掉,沒想到這個天殺的貴!最後被charge $11,391,看到帳單差點沒吐血….



點我進入,並點選 「Contact Cloud Billing Support」

會連入你的GCP主控台,接著點選「取得 GCP 帳單支援」







我: Hi Alan, I wanna ask the question about refund QQ. since I forgot to shutdown the cloud SQL, it just kept charging last month, but I am only on trial, i did not utilize the resources.Google Cloud Support, Alan: I will be happy to assist! Please give me 4-7 minutes to do further research on what happened and what we can do about it. Will that be okay?我: ya sure.Google Cloud Support, Alan: Thank you!Google Cloud Support, Alan: Upon checking, the Billing Account [0179AB-F1B511-717CC4] was signed for free trial credit last 2021-Dec-21 and got used up last 2022-Jan-10. Normally, once the trial has ended, the system automatically closes the account to avoid unwanted charges. However, looking at the account, it shows that it was already upgraded into a paid one by attaching your payment method on 2022-Jan-10 and since all credit has been used up, charges continue to accrue because there's a project left in the account with billable resources running in the background. See [1]  https://console.cloud.google.com/billing/0179AB-F1B511-717CC4/reports;chartType=STACKED_BAR;timeRange=LAST_90_DAYSGoogle Cloud Support, Alan: Please keep in mind it is the user's responsibility to manage the instances or resources within a project so the aforementioned charges would be valid, however I understand this is important for you so I can submit a consult with the downstream team for a possible billing adjustment (please have in mind this adjustment is subject to approval therefore, it could be partially/fully approved or denied).我: ya i see, i know it's the mistake. I did not expect that the SQL serivce would be charged that much!!! I really hope that this case could be refundedQQ, plz!!
I'm still a student and this charge is too much for me to afford
Google Cloud Support, Alan: Don't worry we are here to make things easy for you. Before I can submit your billing adjustment request, I need you to stop all billable services/new charges. Please go to [2] https://console.cloud.google.com/billing/0179AB-F1B511-717CC4/manage and click "Disable billing" from the project actions.我: thx so much!! I've disabled billing.Google Cloud Support, Alan: Perfect! Now please allow me 4 more min of your time while I fill your billing adjustment request.我: OK sure!Google Cloud Support, Alan: Thank youGoogle Cloud Support, Alan: Alright! I just filled your billing adjustment request. Since you just stopped the unwanted/unexpected charges, I will submit your billing adjustment request 32 hours from now. This is because it might take that long for all the usage to reflect and I don’t want to miss a cent. You can expect a follow up via email by February 5th, 2022.Google Cloud Support, Alan: Do you have any other questions or need assistance with anything else?我: OK thx u so much! I'm really sorry to bother you to fix this problem. I'll definitely check the resources twice later.我: so the result will be known util Feb 5th?Google Cloud Support, Alan: Don't worry we are here to make issue resolution easy for our customers! As a recap of what we have discussed, we were able to stop charges and I will contact you Feb 5th to let you know about refund request status. After closing the chat, a transcript of our conversation with the relevant case number will be sent to you. Feel free to chat back if you have any additional questions. Your case number is [#29414115].我: Got it! thx for the clear information. Just want to admit that this is my first time using GCP serivce and everything is new to me, so I'm not intend to make this things happened. Thanks your kindly help again!Google Cloud Support, Alan: Thanks for chatting with Google Cloud Billing Support! There’s a short survey coming up and we’d love to hear your feedback about our interaction today. Have a great day!





寫這篇的用意不是鼓勵大家都可以用奧步XD,不得不說 google 這次的服務讓我使用者體驗大增,使我後續更想使用它們的服務(幫推銷)。

還是老話一句:「不用的服務要記得關啦!」,然後要隨時去 Billing Dashboard 查看。



PC Chen

喜歡接觸與動手實作各種軟體技術的後端數據工程師 A data- backend engineer who is enthusiastic in learning and implementing any techniques in software engineering.