
Shunryu 迅狐
Keep Calm and Learn English
3 min readSep 14, 2020


無論是IELTS/ GMAT/ GRE/ TOFEL/ DSE的英文寫作部分,迅狐認為,靈活利用多元化英文句型,是最有用的特分技巧之一。尤其是IELTS Writing的Marking Scheme中,“Grammatical Range and Accuracy”一項正是考核考生能否運用複雜多變的句型。

因為,如果只用深奧的vocab,但句型卻只能用上最簡單的Subject-Verb-Object (S-V-O) structure,就像一套破舊西裝上面,襯上亮麗的領呔,考官會覺得很awkward。

迅狐建議,可以利用以下5種句構技巧,展示grammar功架。其實,可以準備一張checklist,每做一個tick一個,make sure自己盡用5種句構:

1. Passive voice (被動式)

例句一、Such measures should be quickly adopted to… (= The government should quickly adopt such measures to …)

例句二、Such problems could be tackled by … (=We can tackle such problems by…)

2. Relative clause:

例句一、The authorities should adopt these measures. These measures can help… → The authorities should adopt these measures which can help…

例句二、The authorities should adopt these measures. Under these measures, citizens can… → The authorities should adopt these measures under which citizens can…

3. Conditionals (If — then):

Type 0 (真理): If water reaches 100 °C, it boils.

Type 1(正常): If it rains, we will stay at home.

Type 2 (純想像,不可能發生): If I were you, I would not go./ If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to Tokyo.



Shunryu 迅狐
Keep Calm and Learn English

Hongkonger 香港人 | Bilingual Writer 雙語作者 | Financial Analyst 金融分析師 | Top Uni Master 曾經學霸 | IELTS 8.5/9 英文導師 | Career Coach 職涯教練