【英文Speaking】Native speakers常用的linking words

Shunryu 迅狐
Keep Calm and Learn English
2 min readSep 17, 2020


不論考哪一個英文Speaking test,流暢度都非常重要,千萬不要經常「Er…」。如果一時未想到講什麼內容,也可利用以下這些native speakers也喜歡用的百搭linking words來buy time:

.Well, / Let me see,/ You know,

.Listen, /Look,

.Actually, / In fact,/ As a metter of fact,

.To be honest,/ Frankly speaking,

.Right, / Of course,

.I think/ I guess/ I suppose/ I reckon/ I would say/ I bet

.I’m not exactly sure … but I guess …

.What I mean is/ What I want to say is

.Firstly,/ Moreover,/ Also,/ Besides, /Last but not least, …


Well, actually, I guess the main reason is that…

Let me see, I suppose the best way to deal with the problem is…

Franky speaking, I’m not exactly sure about but I guess

上一篇提到,IELTS Speaking的fluency & coherence好重要,佔25%分數。除了可以多用以上linking words,另一個方法就是準備一些百搭的「罐頭答案」

Source: British Council



Shunryu 迅狐
Keep Calm and Learn English

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