
Shunryu 迅狐
Keep Calm and Learn English
8 min readSep 17, 2020


香港人考IELTS,通常最怕Writing和Speaking部分,可能因為少寫少講吧。不過,迅狐認為,IELTS當中能在最短時間提升成績的,卻正正是此兩部分。即使本身不是傳統名校、國際學校出身,英語水平一般,IELTS Speaking要短時間內提升到7分以上,其實不難。

IELTS Speaking怎樣考?(已考過的同學,可直接skip這part)

  1. 考生會在場地A一次過考Reading, Writing和Listening,再在場地B面對考官真人考Speaking(不論筆試、電腦試)。
  2. Academic和General Training的Speaking部分一樣。
  3. 考試流程:入場,Greetings(不計分,但first impression你懂的),查身份證 → (1) 短問答、 (2) 主題演講、 (3)長問答,完。官方規定,全程介乎11至14分鐘。

Part 1: 短問答 (4–5 min)


二、題目主要圍繞日常生活(自己/家人/朋友/事業/興趣/城市/童年/生日/喜歡的音樂/運動/食物/人物/書本 etc)。也可以參考一下這個資料庫


Where is your hometown?

My hometown is in Hong Kong. It’s located in the south of China. It’s renowned around the globe for its hybrid culture and its status as an international financial hub.

Is there much to do in your hometown?

Yes, there’s certainly a lot to do there as it’s a metropolitan area. If you like hanging out in the evening, there are a variety of top-notch restaurants and pubs. If you want to enjoy the nature, you shall definitely visit the breathtaking beaches on the outlying islands.




Shunryu 迅狐
Keep Calm and Learn English

Hongkonger 香港人 | Bilingual Writer 雙語作者 | Financial Analyst 金融分析師 | Top Uni Master 曾經學霸 | IELTS 8.5/9 英文導師 | Career Coach 職涯教練