
英語實驗室 English Lab
2 min readJun 21, 2018

比「正義課」更熱門的哈佛大學「幸福課」教授 Tal Ben-Shahar 在 Happier 一書裡談到,問我們自己 “Am I happy? (我快樂嗎?)” 這個問題,對我們毫無幫助 (The question is not helpful.)

為什麼呢?因為這個問題已經將答案二元化 (It is a closed question that suggests a binary approach to the pursuit of the good life: we are either happy or we are not.) ,並將「快樂」「幸福」看成一個「終點」、一個可定義的節點。

教授談到,”How can I become happier?” (我能怎麼樣更快樂) 才是更正確的問題。沒有人永遠都是快樂、滿足的。 “No person experiences perfect bliss at all times and has nothing more to which he or she can aspire.” 本質上,快樂的追求是個無終點的過程、狀態。對我們而言,對於「做什麼能真正讓我們 become happier」有正確的認知,才是最實際重要的。


The question “How can I become happier?” acknowledges the nature of happiness and the fact that its pursuit is an ongoing process best represented by an infinite continuum, not by a finite point. I am happier than I was 5 years ago, and I hope to be happier five years from now than I am today.”

