
Peggy Wu
4 min readSep 1, 2019


source: Telegraph

其實常常雇主也不知道要怎麼幫非歐洲人辦簽證,尤其是沒有HR部門的新創,或是單純做招募的人資。記得之前Peggy 剛畢業在工作時,接到所有的電話面試中,會有30%雇主以“沒辦法幫忙用簽證”而不了了之(另外30%是“不會講荷蘭文”)



1. 寫在CV & Cover Letter:Orientation Year VISA

“Orientation Year VISA” 或是 “valid work permit”

Cover Letter:

假如你持有一年找工作簽 Orientation Year VISA,你可以寫:
“I’m free to work in The Netherlands until [orientation year end date] hence there is no action on your end for work visa; however, after that date it is necessary that we arrange highly skilled migrant VISA, as long as the monthly salary is more than EUR 2364 per month.”

假如你需要高級移民工作簽 Highly Skilled Migrant (KM),並且你的雇主已經有了贊助資格,你可以寫:
“I’d be able to work with highly skilled migrant VISA as long as the salary per month is more than [30 歲以下 € 3299; 30 歲以上​ € 4500] with one time admin fee to IND for EUR 285. According to IND, [company name] is on recognised sponsor list. “

假如你需要高級移民工作簽 Highly Skilled Migrant (KM),但你的雇主沒有申請贊助資格,你可以寫:
“I’d be able to work with highly skilled migrant VISA as long as the salary per month is more than [30 歲以下 € 3299; 30 歲以上​ € 4500] with one time admin fee to IND for EUR 285. According to IND, [company name] is not on recognised sponsor list, but that is also arrangeable for admin fee to IND of EUR 4000”

這是Peggy當時求職時的方法,每當有電話面試大多都會問這個情況,這就是很好的解釋時機。其實假如不是recongnized sponsor 也可以考慮不要投遞履歷,因為公司要拿到這個資格時間很長,可能會要三個月。

2. Follow Up Email: 電話面試結束後,寄給recruiter 一步一步怎麼申請的方式以及成本(繳交移民局的手續費)

  • 有時recruiter真的不知道怎麼申請,看到你詳細的流程才會了解感到放心,繼續下一步。
  • 有時recruiter真的不知道怎麼申請,會把你的這個follow up email轉寄給外部的advisor或是總部HR (可能在其他國家像是英國)讓他們了解,而不是停在“我不知道怎麼申請”這個念頭。






Peggy Wu

在荷蘭留學後於歐洲總部人力管理事務,期望從HR觀點幫助許多努力尋找答案完成荷蘭夢,曾經的自己。居於荷蘭首都阿姆斯特丹,偶爾搭上火車去巴黎倫敦任性的度過週末。 peggywu.advisory@gmail.com