蕃茄牛肉麵 the ultimate amazing Taiwanese tomato beef noodle soup

*English recipe is below



在這邊我使用的是Heirloom番茄,正紅色大顆兩顆,搭配牛番茄兩顆; 一般超級便宜番茄也可以,但這次湯頭會好喝我想選對番茄也是關鍵。



取一個中型湯鍋把牛肉擺進去,順便把剛炒的料全都放進去,加一大匙醬油與番茄,丟幾顆冰糖與一個滷包,水加滿煮滾,轉小火燉一小時; 這時先把滷包撈出來,再繼續煮1小時(至少)。




洋蔥 一大顆
紅蘿蔔 一根
薑 隨意
蔥 隨意
蒜 隨意
番茄 4–5大顆
辣豆瓣醬 一大匙(沒記錯的話)
醬油 一到兩匙

冰糖 適量(意思是我忘了哈哈哈)



This recipe is the BEST tomato beef noodle soup I have ever made, the tomatoes really help to build an amazing broth.

There are several different kinds of Taiwanese beef noodle soup, the easiest one to make is “清燉”. Basically, all you only need is some good meat with bones plus ginger/garlic/spring onion and some spices, then you are good to go.

If you add soy paste (豆瓣醬) and soy sauce, then it becomes the “紅燒” version of beef noodle soup, which is the most common type of beef noodle soup in Taiwan. Today I am going to show you how to make the “紅燒” version with extra tomato flavour.

It is really simple but also takes time to make, however, it is definitely worth the wait!

First of all, here are the basic ground rules:

  1. pan-fry the meat
  2. cook the veg
  3. add the paste and spices
  4. cook 2–3hrs
  5. wait overnight
  6. cook the noodles and serve!

To make this delicious beef noodle soup, you will need:

  1. beef (I recommend beef ribs, or beef shin. Beef tail is a good choice as well)
  2. 1 huge onion
  3. 1 carrot
  4. ginger
  5. garlic
  6. spring onion
  7. 4–5 or more heirloom tomatoes (choose the red and the dark green kind)
  8. 1 large tablespoon of spicy soy paste (辣豆瓣醬)

I use this one:

9.1–2 tablespoon(s) of light soy sauce

10.mixed spices (there are several types of pre-packed mixed spice bags sold in Asian grocers. If you can’t get these, then just use 1–2 star anise, some fennel seeds, white pepper, 1 bay leaf and a little bit of cumin instead)

11.some sugar



First, you need to pan-fry the beef until the surface is golden brown (Maillard reaction👌🏻). Meanwhile, cut all the veg.

When the beef is ready, move the meat to a medium pot; and fry the ginger/garlic/spring onion in the beef pan until the aroma is out; add in the veg and keep frying for 2–3 mins.

Make some space in the middle of the pan, turn down the heat and add in the soy paste. Fry for 3–5 mins until it smells really good. Put all the ingredients (except noodles and coriander) in the beef pot and add water until it is almost full. When it boils turn down the heat further, simmer for an hour, remove the spice bag and cook for another hour (or two).

Turn off the heat and let the beef broth rest overnight. The next day cook the noodles first (not in the broth! in another pot with clean water), drain the cooked noodles and put them in a bowl.

Heat up the broth, slice the meat into pieces and add to the bowl. Garnish with coriander and some more spring onion.




蛋糕說話時屑屑請閉嘴 When the cake talks,

飲食人類學背景,現職廚師。目前住倫敦 food anthropologist/chef/writer